I have never ever owned a Wii. After a friends daughter (and I past co worker of mine) . … hope you know what I am talking about here cause I don’t wish to draw any search engines here out of respect. anywoo
I have been playing? at a friends house with theirs, a program that is some fitness thing or another, it has a section of balance games and yoga. Wow, there is one that is actually upon first look – easy LOL. All you gotta do is stand there and breath while trying to keep a little red dot within a circle by – yikes! balancing. Augh! talk about getting pooped out. But, the thing is it is helping. Yep I did way better at physical therapy yesterday. So, the excersises and then the wii balancings and yoga things combined with waking up the other day without super bad foot drop and with better balance made tonight way better.
I tried a different support group today – much better than the last one but not sure if it my cup of tea or not. Webster at halt stop forget and relax post on this subject today on some of my reasoning.
( I would have left a comment but dang if I can find the comment on this post button???)
I also apparently made the “bad” when asked what disease modifying drugs I was on I answered none. Oh oh, yah would have thought I pulled out a gun and shot someone. A few understood my reasoning at this early juncture in this deal but one lady got angry I mean angry – She was sitting next to me and started shaking and turning red – I tried to back peddle with something like I think it is awesome that the drugs work so well for some, thinking maybe I had hit some nerve with my comment about the statistics and myself??? I felt so darn bad that I had upset her – that I could nt wait to get out of there.
Touchy subject I have figured out – DUH. But I have two reasons right now. Looking at statistics and talking to a lot different people in my life I don’t choose a few months into to this to stick myself with a needle full a expensive juice with the potential to make feel like dog poo and mess up my liver and two, did I mention the freaking cost of this stuff? (and yes I know some people can get it free but I am not poor enough and not rich enough ok). So, I guess I did not get the memo on not answering a question honestly.
It was good to go to our friends house, eat dinner, play the Wii, and joke around. Now this one is so politically incorrect I am sure. So – if your gonna get mad or start going over the deep end – I warned you ok?
My buddy who has nerve problems due to back injury and surgery for whatever reason started calling us tards. When we are trying to accomplish something and we are making a mess of it cause two of us are struggling to accomplish what half of us could of done a few years ago he starts up. It is our personal making fun of ourselves especially when other neighbors are watching our what must look humorous antics – he talks real loud and says stuff like heh want to join our tard club? or when we mess up we are a bunch o tards etc.
When we are out riding the scooters we are the tard train –
Well I went to the tard store and got a new cane today with a better grip – much better for my wrist (had three surguries on it) so I am very less annoyed with it now. The owners of the store are friends of my friends (where I play Wii and tard). Makes tarding easier LOL
oh well guess you have to be there LOL But it certainly is super to have a few good friends that write you off cause your cash short and you feel apart of the group instead of outside the group. Sometimes the friends we have are just that really friends. Unfortunately sometimes you find out that they are not.
The only other thing to report is that we now have a taco truck/bar/vehicle?? – (it is like those bbq trucks that grill up the meat only it is for making taco’s) – coming to our Turkey day. How cool is that?
Well off to try and get some zzz’s since the babtism picture taking affair is tommorrow morning. Complete with party after and a fire pit roasted pig. Wonder if it has an apple in it’s mouth?
Good info, I want a Wii, my standing is now suffering. See new PT this week—high hopes. Friends are one of life’s joys. Enjoy. False ones weed out over time, just human nature. Love the seagull pic.
Well it is working for me anyways on the days I can stand long enough LOL
I thought about your post all day. I meant to add: there IS a hierarchy of MS it seems and I too feel heat from those who feel I should be on a drug, get a certain aid, eat a certain way—I drop those people, they bum me ou about all I DO do, and all I HAVE done in the past. Whew! Got that off my sagging chest.
Oh, and duh, sorry, I don’t think those birds would like me callin them seagulls…my eyes aren’t that great.
Hee hee, I was not gonna say nothin – honest!
Snow Geese they be.
Hi there,
Don’t know exactly how I stumbled upon your blog, but I see that Diane has been here (so that’s probably it). BTW, Webster has fixed the missing comment button on her blog.
Welcome to blogging MS. Whether to use one of the DMDs is a personal choice and certainly not everybody makes the same choice. I use Copaxone, but that doesn’t mean that everybody should. Others wait to see how their MS is going to behave.
I don’t know if you’re new to MS or not. Sounds like you might be. I’ll be adding your blog to my massive MS blogroll. In the meantime, I hope you are doing well and enjoy that Wii. I’ve heard lots of good stuff about it.
Thank you for stopping by and leaving a comment. And, yes I am kind of new to this MS deal. It was not on the radar at all until August . … I am in the wait and see category right now I guess.
“I say as I put the xbox remote in the refrigerator. …”
LOL – I think this is a great way to keep things fresh!
Not sure what gremlin changes my comments settings – but it’s fixed now. (Supposedly)
MS does suck. But it only strikes the most beautiful and brilliant. Welcome to the club. 😉