Lytil Jhon and Robyne Hude
Wayth-men ware commendyd gude
In Yngil-wode and Barnysdale
Thai oysyd all this tyme thare trawale.
In modern popular culture Robbin Hood is noted for “robbing the rich to give to the poor” – fighting against injustice and tyranny. Who has not watched at least one movie or cartoon featuring this figure from folklore?
Seems Robbin Hood’s band of merry men and women are still at work. In Modesto, California anyway.
Found in the Central Valley indymedia – a Communique from the Robin Hoods no less.
We, the Robin Hoods, take credit for providing the massive amounts of free food that was left in the Airport District park of Modesto California last week, early in the morning. The food we left ranged from rice, beans, and other staples, and was available free of charge to anyone who wished to take it. To make our intentions for the action clear, we left behind a banner at the scene which read, “Resist the Recession! – ROB THE RICH!” The food was appropriated from various capitalists – and was thus free (and very easy) to obtain.
The whole “Communique” can be read here.
The Robin Hood’ group appropriated food (stole?) and distributed it in a working class neighborhood in Modesto California. While I do see the humor and the kindness involved I miss the radical against the capitalists part. But . … if someone left a free bag of food on my doorstep I am not so sure that I would care where it came from other than that it was safe.
What do you think? Is spirit of Robin Hood alive and well? Is there an innate desire for equality in us? Or, are they just a bunch of crazy extremists?
Perhaps stealing from the rich like the Bush’s is ok? I get pissed when someone steals from me to give to who they think is more deserving, usually themselves. But, if I caught a hungry person stealing food – I am not so sure I could get that upset.
Moral issues again.
So to Robin Hood or not to Robin Hood – that is the question.
I believe that people have an innate sense of justice and equality.
People need to believe in themselves and the powerful effect of small acts of kindness.
Change does not have to be dramatically it can come organically through cooperation between people.
Perhaps this bank/investment swindles will open eyes and people will be less taken in by the commercial bullshit.
Let’s ‘Robin Hood’.
Depending on social upbringing people on a whole tend want some sort of equality.
Small acts of kindness, the robin hood’s, etc. do tend to show up more in hard economic times.
The is actually a book or to about the subject.
SuperHero’s show a lot also.