Finally the pieces are coming together with the computer. If anything has been ingrained into my memory it is how the support a company offers makes all the difference.
One of my backup drives would not restore, heck, it did not even get acknowledged by Windows. After clicking through the companies support pages it came down to remembering the user name and password I used last year. ugh err ok I forgot to write it down.
Eventually I gave up as the support site returned errors on every email I have – so I decided to try and re register the drive in order to get access to the new version of the software and drivers.
Now I needed the serial number. No big deal right? Wrong the print was so small and I am telling you I mean small! Three of us tried reading it with a magnifying glass and even then it was hard to read. Ought to be a law against that.
The backup software never did work but the folders are there. Thanks to my pal that has access to one of the pay driver update sites.
The other drives manufacturers site was very user friendly, and it remembered me! I logged on, searched for the drivers and in two minutes I was done. A few keystrokes later my drive worked. Then I plugged in my oldest drive and windows found the updated driver and happy joy joy it works also.
Now can you guess which drive I will recommend to someone or purchase again – sure is not the dinky arse serial numbered suck-o support site companies now is it?
The best thing happening right now is 254 GB of photos are happily backing up along with 3 GB of MP3’s.
The pics on the hard drive that were not backed up – boo hoo – I morn 🙁 . … I also heard back from Nikon and none of their products will work with Vista 64 nor do they have any updated drivers for the D80.
Thank you for emailing us.
Compatibility and support for Nikon software running on a Windows 64-bit system is under review by the Nikon Quality department.
At this time we do not have any time table on when we will or if we will issue drivers and software support for this new system.I apologize for this inconvenience.
Again, Thank you
Nikon Technical Support.
So now I have no software to post process with! Capture NX, Elements, nada. Good thing I use a card reader and not direct cable hook up to get my photos of the camera.
It is kind of nice having a clean start. All the useless files that build up on my drives are no longer there to suck up space. Plus even though the clock speed is slower than my old computer it seems to perform better with some of the programs. Cool. Not sure of all the ins and outs of duo v quad but so far I am a happy camper with the gateway for the money – not bad.
I sure have learned to set the backup program to monitor and backup everything. Easier to delete garbage than to loose the good stuff. I have 2T worth of drive space to use so there really is no excuse not to. I downloaded the trial version of the newest Adobe Photoshop Elements, even though it is not certified to work with the 64bit system so far I have not experienced any problems with it. The upgrade is under 100 bucks so I am thinking that is the way to go right now if I can come up with the bucks before it expires. I have to see if the laptop will run NX with any speed.
Had a few drops of rain yesterday and this morning the wind is blowing it is nice and cool right now (59). Not sure if it is still cloudy as I have not stuck my head outside to look. I think I am going to go cut up a few nectarines and maybe treat myself with a little sugar on top of em. ‘Then again there is apple pie emm decisions, decisions.
Ok I am going to be a piggy and have both!
I photoedit with the The Gimp. It has similar concepts to Photoshop, and it’s free.
Windows x64 has been around for years — it just hasn’t been very popular. Is there an option to install the 32-bit version of Windows? It will be way more compatible with your software and toys.
BR cooked up a pot of red beans over night. So delicious!
I will go check out Gimp and see what it does, The biggest problem with my camera files is how programs handle (if they do) the Nikon raw NEF files. Nikons Capture NX and Adobes LIghtroom do the best job of it.
I so do not know how to even go about figuring out if there is an option do go with 32 bit version. What I have is what is pre loaded on the machine from Gateway. I have spent hours hunting around for my XP software and I suspect in one of our un-clutter the home crazes it might have gotten tossed.
Either that or I gave it away with one of the old computers. ;(
Beans! Oh I love good beans. To bad you and BR moved away before I could force myself upon you at dinner time LOL. I did go down and eat the pie and nectarines. KRP had volunteered to watch the Woodland Stroll Through History boths etc with our friend and then had to go to work this morning after being up all night. Since I was on my own I munched on junk food and fruit.
I appreciate your comments with my brain fog they get me back on the right track. Gosh this stuff used to be so easy and now . …
i checked out your companies site. The virtual machine concept had my poor brain smoking. LOL
Don’t worry if a VM isn’t in your immediate future. 🙂 They are fun to play with, though.
This blog seems to have found a way to edit NEF files in GIMP. It just needs the UFRaw plugin.
Gateway support would be the ones to ask about replacing your 64-bit Windows with the 32-bit version.
The beans just keep getting tastier with time. BR is very pleased with his crockpot.
And here I was so proud of myself for finding it all on my own LOL
I have installed the GIMP program and the UFRaw. Pretty spiffy for freeware. The NEF file handling is pretty good of course nothing is as good as the manufactures Nikon program way better on the one.
But woo hoo lot of bells and whistles and a large repository of extensions. I had forgotten to check out Sourceforge for programs.
I am off to go play with it.
Thank you so much for the info!