1. webster

    Yes Jan, a major PITA, but no one was hurt, That is the important thing.

    If you want a scone, BTW, Just go to the store and buy a box of Fisher Scone and Shortcake mix and prepare it according to directions. Half an hour later, with a little butter, and some jam …. nirvana. Well, almost.

    • Yes it was a PITA. Now I slept most of the day and am wide awake now!

      What you want I should buy a box mix and make em? LOL I am too lazy for that right now.

      IThis is the recipe I use from the Urban Peasant I believe??

      Mix 2 cups of flour, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon baking powder, 1 tablespoon baking soda, and 1 tablespoon sugar in a bowl.

      Moisten into a dough with about a cup of plain yoghurt.

      Roll out on a floured board to about a quarter inch in thickness, cut in to circles, and bake at 425F until lightly browned on top (just a few minutes).

      Use circular cutter and cut em out.

      Now I am hungry – oh well what to eat, what to eat, emm . …

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