So kmilyun what whee you doing at 4 freakin am this morning?
Cell phone shot of the CSI SUV.
Why I was across town watching the police.
Why oh why were you doing that?
Because some A holes broke into the store where my sig other works.
The pharmacy got hit to be exact.
A few more controlled substances out on the streets today. Talk about a mess. Why not just break one window? How about the axe job you did in the pharmacy – yes folks they used an axe. I guess all good thief bring axes to the party – I mean what is a burglary without an axe.
You can not just let a loved one go out in the night when the alarm company calls and says numerous alarms going off . .. geezz . … fun watching the tech taking her crime scene photos. We had a short chat about photography gear too. Other than that it was kind of like being here in the neighborhood – cops – guns – smashed windows.
What a PITA. Their 3 minutes of thievery will take hours to clean up and lot of inventory work for the pharmacist not to mention folks having to work all day after having to get up so dang early.
Augh – I gotta go get some sleep.
Yes Jan, a major PITA, but no one was hurt, That is the important thing.
If you want a scone, BTW, Just go to the store and buy a box of Fisher Scone and Shortcake mix and prepare it according to directions. Half an hour later, with a little butter, and some jam …. nirvana. Well, almost.
Yes it was a PITA. Now I slept most of the day and am wide awake now!
What you want I should buy a box mix and make em? LOL I am too lazy for that right now.
IThis is the recipe I use from the Urban Peasant I believe??
Mix 2 cups of flour, 1 teaspoon salt, 1 tablespoon baking powder, 1 tablespoon baking soda, and 1 tablespoon sugar in a bowl.
Moisten into a dough with about a cup of plain yoghurt.
Roll out on a floured board to about a quarter inch in thickness, cut in to circles, and bake at 425F until lightly browned on top (just a few minutes).
Use circular cutter and cut em out.
Now I am hungry – oh well what to eat, what to eat, emm . …