UPDATE: $16,577,118. no matter how you personally feel about all the hype over this and talk of personal accountability – no amount of $ can bring someone back, in my humble opinion . …
In about 20 mins my friends will be sitting in a court room. The verdict will be read. I can only hope that the outcome is good. Over two years – almost three – a long time yet it has passed.
I hope they win and the settlement just.
Nothing of course will negate the pain of loss they endure each and everyday.
Nothing will bring their loved one back, but at least our courts have acknowledged the wrong and tried to give weight to how egregious it was.
I like the new design a lot. A whole lot, btw.
Hey there stranger good to hear from you. You sure are the busy one LOL still reading just not commenting.
‘This theme was the only one I found that was free and fairly easy to adapt. Still working on it – well maybe someday.
I am still getting used to new layout. Just found way to comment today! woo hoo (Hey! My brain is shrinking, what can I say?) $%^&*( Now I forgot what I read, oh yeah, courts/money/a person’s life—$$ never is a means to replace what is lost just punishment and a “We know the invaluable was stolen, but at least take this.” Usually that is all society can do. ๐
Knowing what I do about this and having the pleasure of knowing the family I can say that it was not done for money but to send a message – to make a point.
Glad you figured out how to comment it is nice to hear from you here.