Another week of PE over – yeah! Dang, I woke up rather sore in a few spots LOL.
The rain is back and the wind is blowing. Good afternoon the stay in. Making spaghetti sauce it is starting to smell good up here – it has been cooking in the crock pot since 1pm . …
Spent some time this afternoon playing the dulcimer with my faithful mutts at foot. Catfish usually just goes to sleep while Annie has this need to talk back at the noise. I end up putting her downstairs when I am trying to do the webcam thing.
Taking suggestions on names for my Blue Mountain dulcimer – I am playing her in the video below so comment away with your ideas – oh – please no sissy name ok. I so can not hear myself talking to her and saying something like sweetie or honey pie LOL
Ok todays video:
Okay, I never could play the stringed instruments. I don’t know why, so I just stayed with the piano . . . until my MS hit and couldn’t play at all, but then I LET IT GO when my MS got better. Anyway.
I thought that was good for a first (almost) try. You did it fast enough so it was recognizable, and some of the chords looked awkward to play (esp. with gimpy hands).
You want a name for your dulcimer? How about ‘ouisie, like from Steel Magnolias?
Be well.
I so like Steel Magnolia’s and Ouiser’s character just cracks me up! Especially when she slices Drum the tail piece of an armadillo cake!
Nice arrangement! Play as much as you can, anyway you can, for as long as you can. If you get better, great. If you don’t, fine. As long as you enjoy the time you spend making music, it’s good.
Ditto from me on the comments. Play while you can. I had to take piano lessons for years and fought it all the way. I wish I’d connected with an instrument that gave me true enjoyment to play. I regret not getting into wind instruments, like the flute.
For some reason old-fashioned names like Hazel or Maggie are coming to me. Although ‘ouise sounds really cool too.
Hazel and Maggie – ummm …
Wind instruments and I never seemed to meld – I tried the clarinet of few times in high school when I would sit for the band teachers kids. Results were not so good – squeak squeak then lots of high pitched noises.
The string theory versus the squeak theory.
Not sure the Doxology will get any better but what the hey – worth the try anyways.