Not the usual happy ride thing but a ride around where I live that shows what I run into and see.
First Twenty five get access after that sorry but . … Videolink to youtube.
So, Sacramento has a gang problem. Welcome to the US of A. Gun control won’t help, then only criminals will have guns. I truly believe this. We have guns in the house (and NO children). They’re not just laying around, but they are accessible and they are loaded. Our neighborhood has cleaned up a bit, but when we first moved here there were gang-bangers living across the alley. DH subtly let it be know that he ‘carried’ (legally), and we never had any problems with them. Still, sometimes I wonder if safety is an illusion. Ah, what will be will be. Glad you’re keeping up with the riding. Volume was better today :-).
I never advocated gun control in fact if you read the youtube blobber info on the video it states that – just clearing that up in case you thought otherwise.
Here is the info I posted for the video:
I decided to show some of the stuff that I see and hear when riding in the neighborhood.
Please note that this is NOT a video for g u n co n t r o l. Most of the guns used in crimes around here are illegal and no law is going to get them off the streets IMHO.
It is to show how all the violence affects the rest of us who are just trying to go about our lives on a daily basis.
Our neighborhood goes back and forth right now we are at a low incident rate because it is not over 100 degrees out yet.
Crikey Jan, I’m thinking that hurling yourself and bike off a ledge into cow poop is a much safer endeavor than this!
I’ve lived in all sorts of neighborhoods through the years but it’s been a while since I’ve done gritty.
The sound is a bit better when you’re in the room but still hard to hear.
And, not trying to weigh on the gun thing as my thoughts don’t fit neatly in a box. However, just for fun and whackiness, here’s a link to Cheryl Wheeler’s Don’t Forget the Guns in case you haven’t heard this before…
So, Sacramento has a gang problem. Welcome to the US of A. Gun control won’t help, then only criminals will have guns. I truly believe this. We have guns in the house (and NO children). They’re not just laying around, but they are accessible and they are loaded. Our neighborhood has cleaned up a bit, but when we first moved here there were gang-bangers living across the alley. DH subtly let it be know that he ‘carried’ (legally), and we never had any problems with them. Still, sometimes I wonder if safety is an illusion. Ah, what will be will be. Glad you’re keeping up with the riding. Volume was better today :-).
I never advocated gun control in fact if you read the youtube blobber info on the video it states that – just clearing that up in case you thought otherwise.
Here is the info I posted for the video:
Our neighborhood goes back and forth right now we are at a low incident rate because it is not over 100 degrees out yet.
Crikey Jan, I’m thinking that hurling yourself and bike off a ledge into cow poop is a much safer endeavor than this!
I’ve lived in all sorts of neighborhoods through the years but it’s been a while since I’ve done gritty.
The sound is a bit better when you’re in the room but still hard to hear.
And, not trying to weigh on the gun thing as my thoughts don’t fit neatly in a box. However, just for fun and whackiness, here’s a link to Cheryl Wheeler’s Don’t Forget the Guns in case you haven’t heard this before…
My thoughts do not fit into a box either.