Today was a good day all and all ๐ . We did not get a lot of sleep last night because the noise level on Friday and Saturday nights is set on “loud”. The helicopter was buzzing around midnight looking for someone who fled after a vehicle pursuit. So we had the sirens of the chase and then the bird in the air making announcements every so often – oh happy joy joy.
I loaded up the bike and headed away from here. Parked at my friends home and headed out from there. I found a few muddy areas that were not posted no trespassing – I ask you how can I turn my wheels away from perfectly good fields full of mud?
The new tires totally SUCK in the mud. No bite the back wheel kind of spins like a truck when mired in the mud – round and round with very little progress. I did not ride far through the fields as the energy cranking through the slop with the tires spinning wore me out fast! Put life is good. It has been along time since I have had to carefully sneak the Bat Bike upstairs after knocking off clumps of mud. I like to let it dry out, shake what I can off and then go for the cleaning. I am lazy at heart I guess. Put when it is dry I can vacuum it off with a brush first and then clean the chain etc.
Snapped a few shots with the cell phone (click on pics to see larger) after I got back to my friends.
Video for today:
Mud indeed. Mud, dog poop in wheelchair tires is the worst—you HAVE to track in into the house. Wish I had thought of your idea for cleaning…now about the shoes…
By the time I usually get home most of the cast off mud is in the back of the truck if not I sort of just ignore KRP’s hollers about the trail through the condo until I can clean it up or she does it – which ever comes first – umm usually me cause it is my mess. I don’t think it is bugging her so much now days because it is something she has not seen in a long time. I am hoping the smell of chain lube comes under this flag also.
Our friend Barbara thought there should be an invention that was like her ramps only by the front door and designed like a mini car wash for her wheels!
Hey shoes – cheap shoe booties – remove shoes once inside the house. Shake out the booties good to go the next time? If real bad let shoes sit in back overnight to dry – LOL there is a system for everything ๐ Not saying they all work so great but hey . …
That looks like serious mud-dogging. I supposed that hosing my bike off was a bad things for the components and chain etc. when mine looked like this? Can’t say that was too often though — I was a mud-wimp although my bro-in-law tried his best to get me hooked on single-track mud slogs.
Oh, I’m sure that chain lube has some sort of aromatherapy benefit.
I hose off the bike just not a strong blast so no water hopefully gets into the bearings. I just like most of it to fall off first it is so much easier that way! To do this I figured out that the vacuum saved a lot of clean up time as the junk would fall off on the way back out of the condo.
Most of the clumped up stuff around the brake is there because my city tread tires SUCK in the mud – did I mention that they really SUCK? Oh yeah . … instead of tossing it off it sort of sticks to em. I kept riding through a decent puddle to wash the sticky stuff off until I almost got stuck in the middle . … my rear derailleur and chain were not happy campers and quit honestly after spending most of yesterday afternoon cleaning and lubing neither was I last night.