My pal Catfish is back home – a bit walleyed from the anesthesia but he is doing fine. And is right where he normally is this time of night at my feet next to my computer chair – being cute.
You might be able to see in the photo how he has his right leg straight out because of the uncomfortableness from the surgery. I tried to get him to stay in the bedroom all comfy on the bed but he would not stay there – I guess he likes his routines as much as I.
So amazing how close and emotionally attached I get to my little fur buds. Gosh how the time goes by. Mr. Catfish will celebrate his seventh birthday. May the 1st. Today was very stressing for me because – well I am not ready for this deal. How would I anyways.
Catfish was about six months old if I remember correctly when I had to say good bye to my Buddy Boxer at age 17. I found Buddy when his estimated age was 3 months old when a bum ( I know not a politically correct term) he was following along the highway shooed him away yelling and screaming at him. I swore I would never ever let a dog get into my heart that much again.
Dang if I did not do it again LOL Cause sitting here all day worrying about Catfish just about drove me nuts. He is my constant companion. He stares at me and refuse to leave the bathroom in the morning if I have not opened my little pill box and taken my pill. We have a routine he and I, I so love my routines! He keeps Annie dog in line also.
I am glad my little guy came through the surgery with no problems. Now it is just a wait to find out what the lab biopsy says. The tumor did not appear to have entered into the deep muscle – I think that is the term the vet used – but I was so busy hugging Catfish I missed some of what he said. Our roommate was there and made sure she understood all medication schedules so she could go over them with KRP.
Well off to go read in the bedroom as Catfish is now standing wobbly in the doorway looking at me and then looking toward the bedroom . …
and I am not arguing with him on this on 🙂
Rollin’ rollin’ rollin’. Keep them doggies rollin’.
Way to go, Catfish!
Catfish is marching to his own music today LOL!
Both of us fell asleep this afternoon and z’d away till the phone rang at 5.
LOL over Steve’s comment!
Glad you have your bud back. Our furry pals do get deep into our hearts don’t they? Hope the biopsy report is good!
Yeah we all have our fingers, feet, paws, and anything else you can cross as we wait for the results.
Today Catfish is doing darn good other than an occasional ouch I should not have bent that way or laid down that way he is hanging in there.
Annie is not as concerned but is going out of her way in doggy terms to pamper her brother. They do touch our hearts don’t they.
Glad to hear that Catfish is home. Any kind of surgery, on anybody, is always a little scary. A little bit of pampering and some extra treats are in order — on schedule, of course.
Well Catfish and I fell asleep at around 2 pm and woke when the phone rang at 5. Not a schedule’s nap LOL so see we can deviate from the norm! And of course he is getting pampered!
Dog bones all ’round!! He looks great too.