KRP and the car are home safe and sound. Most of the damage to the front fender I got straightened out. Billy re aligned the fender and door so the hard stuff was done. It really is not that bad and certainly not as bad as KRP was making it out to be. If I turned it into the insurance it would exceed the allowable amount so it would be a total LOL. So we are taking off the full coverage – duh – should have done so long ago.
Catfish is doing ok just a few strange moments where he seemed uncomfortable and was shaking for no reason so I am gonna call the vet about it.
I have been slowly painting the bedroom, next comes the carpet, and then what I dread – moving all my crap o la out of one room and into the other.
I guess this is a good thing as I really do have some stuff that I like but I am thinking that porkies hanging on the wall is probably a little bit to dorm roomish LOL.
I am trying to find the perfect computer desk. The one I have now is a larger corner unit and while it is an old familiar friend it will not fit back through the door put together and I have held it together with elmers glue and brackets as it tried to fall apart. Seems desk are either way to big or way to small never just right. I have been checking Crai g s L ist and the major box stores. Gosh all I want is a small desk that will hold two CPU’s, printer, scanner, external drives . …
The new washer and dryer have been picked out. Now we just have to go buy them. The company (smaller local family owned) will remove the old set and give us time to get the dryer vent cleaned and then deliver and install the new ones when we are ready. Ten years ago we hauled our old set downstairs and the new ones up ourselves. No way we could do it now. 6 steps and a landing, 6 more steps – might as well be Mt. Everest now. I wonder what possessed us to do all that to save 50 bucks? Well other than saving 50 bucks.
I can easily understand at one time, and not that long ago, trying to do the washer/dryer to save the $50. Or bribing a brawnier pal with pizza/beer.
Painting and moving stuff — that sounds rigorous! Good luck.
Hope the Catfish is ok.
Catfish is hanging in there and Annies is being extra nice to him – gosh she has not even tried to snitch any of his food in weeks – and that is darn impressive for her lab mind set.
I am going slow and steady on the painting it is a small room only 10×10 so not a lot to paint really. We picked up some new carpet – a remnant from a local box store and saved a lot per foot. The 12 foot long roll is running down the downstairs hall into the bath room just waiting – and waiting . …
Now figure the Pre runner bed is 5’4″ with a camper shell – ran it through the camper and cab window over the back seat and into the front – the store clerk loaded it for us – funny was watching us unload it bra hahahhah …