Billy and Trish’s eldest (17 ) – geez this is scary – is driving here tomorrow! Yikes! His first long solo driving trip. His mom is a nervous wreck, his aunties here are stressing, the only ones not stressing or nervous about this seems to be he and his father. Well, I suspect his father is nervous but silently so. Ok silly I know we all have taken the first long drive plunge but that was different LOL .
I have finally moved my computers gear into the other room. I took some video of the room progress during the week if it came out I will put it together. Catfish was thinking that the room was his, all his, until I moved the battery backup in and it beeped and beeped while I was hooking up things. LOL I am getting the evil eye down the hall as he lays on the edge of the bed in the other room.
Well just checking in and now I gotta get some sleep so that I can do the nervous dance tomorrow as we wait for travel update calls – from set stops along the trip. Gotta let the little birdie spread his wings and fly but this does force the driving rest breaks and keeps the adults apprised of his progress.
KRP and I are going to meet him in Rockin the last small town stop before hitting the traffic. His request as he has never driven in city traffic like we have here.
Am hoping all went well.