This not posting/updating the blog thing seems to be more of the norm than remembering to post LOL.
Not much new around here and I am not sure as to what would be an interesting topic – as not too many things in my life are that interesting no?
So your choice my three or four readers:
More next door neighbor stories?
how my ear tired to ruin my day or how I ruined my ears day?
What color my blog should be?
I dunno so glad I am not really worried about posting bra hahahahhah other than to let the cyber world know I am still kicking
Choose, we have to choose?
Neighbor hijinx update, what’s up with your ears, and some psychoanalysis of why you chose a winter drizzle blog theme. Any of it sounds good.
cause it is cooking to my mind in this heat?
Me! Me! I’m one of your three or four readers! At I want it all… neighbors, ears, everything.
Blog is easy to read (Firefox 3.6.6) and I must like rainy gray drizzle because I look at it all the time, right outside my window.
If you run out of other stuff, at least let us know you’re still kicking!
Can I have your window? It is cooler here than normal but just when I get used to the 80’s and low 90’s it zooms back up there and wipe out!
the neighbors who moved out sister is apparently in the place and she first asked if I would charge her cell phone and now she just asked if we would let her plug in her angle tracking bracelet to our phone line YIKES!
I here KRP down there doing something and I swear if she lets her I am so gonna go – well nuts.
Post what needs to be said. I’ll follow along no matter what color it’s in.
How could I have missed this? Oh yeah, the 19th was Sunday, and I slept a LOT on Sunday. (ahem)
So, I guess I am your fourth reader. Re: color – I like it bright, not blah, but it’s your blog, so make it amy color you want. I want you to post about everyanything. Also, I want you to not blog when you don’t feel like it – you know, that Blogging Without Obligations thing.
Augh you can count LOL LOL tee hee and all that