Sorry so long again between post but . …
The neighbor is moving out not sure if this is good or bad? The next one could provide more entertainment and perhaps not as easy to deal with emmmm. At least I will not have to smell and look at a garbage can over flowing with stinky stuff three times more than it was intended to hold. I mean who would think your suppose to push it out to the street to get dumped when you can just fill up your neighbors with rotten cottage cheese, milk, etc. and force them to wash their can out. Gosh I never realized how darn heavy and big our can was till I had to wash it out.
The other night we came home to two fire trucks, a rescue truck and six police cars. Never did find out what that was about?
Where KRP works has been robbed at gun point twice in the last 10 days so when she has to go close tonight cause all the other employees won’t . .. I am thinking I will be outside watching.
Oh yeah apparently while I was home here and she at work someone used the credit card in Pleasant Hill at a Target. They bought stuffs that well are not typical for our European ancestry s phenotype to use. Now here we go with that mess.
Down the street the cops have a bunch of bad dudes locked up in the back of their patrol cars – at least they are there and not here at the moment LOL.
Oh yeah the ear thing. I took a header into the dresser while sleep walking and busted my ear up – got the stitches out yesterday and my ear will be in one piece not two again and it is healing well. Do not fall asleep on your way back from the bathroom cause well you might go the wrong way and crash and burn!
I would write more but I am afraid that I would come off as a very jaded pissed off at the world person. Yeah that really is me right now but why share it?
Hi Jan,
I didn’t know about your ear. That sounds painful. Bet it woke you up!!
We used to have gang-bangers living across the alley from us. There was always a police presence in the neighborhood. DH used to have a valid carry permit, and let the weapon be seen by those who respect that sort of thing. Luckily it worked, and we never had any issues with them. Of course, I’m sure it helped that we have a completely fenced in yard and our cars were parked in the garage, and we used to have three dogs (who wouldn’t bite, but they barked plenty).
I haven’t been posting lately either. It’s time for Summer reading! I have to start taking some notes so I will remember what to write about when the time comes. Damned memory – I just finished a book and I couldn’t tell you what it was, or what it was about. Now THAT sucks!
Yah it hurt LOL!
Wish we just had the bangers in one house/unit – this whole area is really a nest for them. The Sac P D pop officers are working the area big time but there are way more of the bad guys than the good guys. With the latest budget cuts it is only gonna get worse.
I have been reading like crazy nothing really substantial just entertainment. I have Roy Adkins Nelson’s Trafalgar but have not gotten to it. My library thing account has too many books so I have to cough up the bucks now before I can update it.
I read a few chapters of something before I started going umm err this is sounding familiar – yep had read it last summer oh well – maybe this means I will save on books? I already get most a the goodwill and the used book store.
Gads, I didn’t know that was how you hurt your ear. Kinda hard to practice preventive moves in your sleep. Yikes.
It’s been a bit since I lived amongst the sketchy folks. Sharing the duplex wall with violent crazy folks (the voices told them I was going to steal their children) and hearing their violent rants towards me and furniture being tossed at the wall all evening. I won’t even go into the cop interventions or lack thereof. Or in another neighborhood living amongst the semi-criminal crack smoking families, including the pregnant Mom, with the crazy cop episodes in the middle of the night. Befriending their children to give them a meal yet having to watch the f’n little buggers as they were always trying to lift my stuff. And, at seven years old, they were already quite accomplished. These folks weren’t bangers but I remember the constant sense of waiting for the shoe to drop again. Of home not being a safe place. Sorry this is happening to your neighborhood.
Too many books on your library account so you have to pay? Don’t quite understand unless you hit your fee limit? I finally took care of that and the book Jake ate which I now own. So, I’m back in business.
Hey, worried about being too jaded? Go for it. I’ve been rather saccharine sweet on my blog lately. After what I’ve experienced recently though, I feel a jaded rant coming on.
Take care, Donna
Ok Donna I could swear that I replied to your comment but wtf it is not here so either it was done all in my head and no typing or it went to where lost bits and bytes go?
I suspect if I actually let it rip and went for voicing my thoughts it would come out really really bad LOL I would come off like . …
Maybe I will emmm but then again sometimes stuff is left best unsaid
Yeah, I get it. I had a ranty blog post drafted the other day. The next day I just couldn’t put it out there. Figured it was a rant best left for those that know me and the specifics of my scenario.
Hang in there.
Are you done being jaded? I’m looking for someone to teach me some new “I’m so disappointed, but I’m not surprised” looks. I’ve worn all mine out.
I have moved onto ………. not sure what?