1. Wow, brain gym — using the upside down mouse. I fully appreciate whatever works.

    I tried to use a roller ball many years ago to avoid carpal tunnelish type stuff. I didn’t like it but told myself to give it a good try. Months later in the middle of working on something with a deadline late into the evening, I finally realized I’d given it a more than fair try. I ripped the thing out in a rage, tossed it across the room and started pawing through my box of peripherals and computer junk. Found my old mouse. Ahh.

    I don’t get the hint. Arrgh – might I play the BT card?

    • So I am not the only one to try and kill an object that never was alive LOL

      The old roller balls drove me up a tree hence I stayed with my upside down mice. Sometimes I used software to reverse the up and down so I could use them orientated in the proper direction.

      The mouse to be known from now on as the mouse with no tail was the cheap thing that came with the computer. No software remedies for it. (chopped off it’s tail with a carving knife)

      This new rollerball is smaller and the ball is on the left side allowing the buttons to seem the same as on a typical mouse. I like it. It is working YEAH!

  2. spiny tim

    I’ve been using trackballs exclusively for years; I never touch mice. My thumb is my only reliable digit now, so that worked out well.

    • In the past the trackballs were to big for my hands. Much better selection available now. I really have noticed how much easier it is to move the cursor about .

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