Sometimes my mind clears enough that I figure out some stuff. On the top of my list of annoyances was that the desktop I use most of the time would not do a shutdown (warm) it would lock up and hours later ask if I wanted windows to start fixing or start normal. Start normal the only choice that ended up with the computer starting up but creates many fragmented clusters . Very annoying when getting an update that required a restart. I had to say no I will restart later and then go to the start and select shutdown. Wait for the computer to shut down and then hit the restart button on top and restart it – pain in the arse.
I know this one really I do – why is it doing this. I have ignored it for months. Ok it hits me DUH the shut down wait time is too short for all the stuff I have added to shut down properly. YEAH brain! Go to reregit, find the key, change the time and YES we have lift off – or in this case restart. Amazing what waiting a few more seconds will do.
Now I am on a roll feeling mighty smart LOL. Next on the list create a custom avatar to show for all the blogger peeps without gravatars. Blogger avatars only show on blogger blogs not wordpress. So custom fuction:
add_filter( 'avatar_defaults', 'newgravatar' );
function newgravatar ($avatar_defaults) {
$myavatar = get_bloginfo(‘template_directory’) . ‘/images/bitr.jpg’;
$avatar_defaults[$myavatar] = “BITR”;
return $avatar_defaults;
Strange that self hosted wordpress sites do not import blogger avatars. Then again I set up a blogger account so that my avatar shows on blogger sites and kind of wonder why blogger folks do not set up a gravatar? Or maybe my gravatar code is broken?
I am going to go read some geek stuff before my brain slips back into it’s fog.
I now know why you scare me.
hey here I give you your own avatar and this is scary??
You wonder why Blogger folks don’t set up a gravitar in WordPress?
You’re so funny! Well, most of us didn’t know we could, should or how! Besides what’s with this “gravatar” business — is it some sort of special powers avatar? I think I toss my opinion around on your site rather frequently, so am hoping to see one and find out!
Yes it provides the super power of umm lets see ugh ok . ..
We get to see your choosen picture in the comments instead of a random square of patterns. …
I used your avatar from your blogger info for yours. If you go to the gravatar site and use the email you use to comment on blogs you will get an email to verify your account and then you upload your picture like you did on blogger. Then when you use that email on wordpress sites that are gravatar enabled (most are now) we will get to see a personal pic instead of a generic one.
I know but more personal I think.
How would using Disqus or Intense Debate affect the situation?
I am not sure. I have not set this blog up to use Discus or Intense Debate. I do have a Discus actt. because a friends blog started using it for awhile. Never really have used it except on her blog.
Getting away from the Social Networking on a whole and just sticking with blogs that I read and comment on I think most folks use the blogger avatars, google, and gravatars.
Since Gravatars have been around for a long time they are catered to more.
Blog basic – a journal. Were posts are more I dunno – personal? Used to be share a site/link with each other now . …
I gotta keep it simple nowdays my little brain starts smoking if I try to multitask or present it with too many choices ๐
I got it to import twitter id avatars – cool so there your avatar be . …