The Holiday Season always goes away and leaves me in sort of a funk. Nothing to do with the celebrations really just the slide from go, go, go and much social interaction to slow. slow, slow and the interaction and outings. I think this and the lack of sunshine outsides brings on a sort of ennui.
I have tried to keep myself occupied by going out to the Wildlife Refuge and Park to take pictures. I am stuck on birds right now. I love to watch them fly, land, and hear them squawk. It is peaceful to me watching their graceful flight with strong wings. Even the littlest seed forager can entertain me for hours.
The news of all the birds falling from the sky has me shaking my head. While we may never know why they are falling I gotta wonder.
Now more have fallen. Some say hey it is just Blackbirds – you know plain old Blackbirds. Well dang, to me a bird is a bird is a bird.
A few years ago the photogroup I belonged too went up to Willows to photograph Snowgeese. It was rather funny that at the Snowgeese festival photowalk there were NO Snowgeese around – too funny really. I remember we were trying to get some shots of hawks. I watched as many of the photographers deleted their shots the second they reviewed them and realize they had gotten a pic of a common vulture type bird of some sorts. Many of the groups members were irritated that there were no Snowgeese and went on complaining. My friend Galen and I were driving home in the pouring down rain and fighting strong winds. It was a miserable trip back to Sac. But, on the way home we spotted a large group of white birds in a field off the freeway. We decided to exit the freeway and managed to find the field. We were rewarded with a field full of – you guessed it – Snowgeese!
(2008:01:27 14:45:10)
After the trip I started wondering why a great shot of a vulture with his wings spread totally in focus was considered a garbage shot. I also realized that if you look you may find something interesting along the way if you look. I bird in flight is a beautiful thing period. I shot of a less seen bird is special. Catching an white egret in flight with perfect exposure and great detail for me would be awesome! But I sure am not deleting a great shot just because it a lowly vulture or seagull. What if no one photographed, painted, etc. Blackbirds and they all fell dead from the sky?
Monday at the refuge another photographer made the comment to me that he was going home because all that was “out here is a bunch of ducks”. I just kind of shook my head and decided for whatever reason not to tell him that all the geese came in between 4 and 4:45 right before the last light. It might also have had something to do with the fact that he had really nice long fast lens and I was jealous thinking about what great detailed shots I could get with it. Well I did get a few ok shots but mine are way better than the ones he did not get because – well he was a bird snob LOL.
Another gal started a conversation with me near the end of the short trail. Her husband had gotten her a nice camera for Christmas. It was fun watching her enjoy getting a shot of any bird in flight. She had never had a long lens before so she was so excited. Heck I got excited for her. I shared a few tips that my friend Karoli had shared with me about shooting birds. And yes, I told her about the flight patterns and where to hang at what times to catch the birds coming in. She was not a bird snob.
I did not go out yesterday . But the sunshine I got Monday seems to have helped my funk. Now if birds would just stop falling from the sky dead! Creepy and sad.
Gorgeous shots. I like seeing photos of birds, but I don’t know much about them. I should do as you do — just shoot pictures, and then try to educate myself. I don’t have a fancy-shmancy camera, and I don’t know how to use all the features I have (I know — read the manual!!) but I like looking at photos. I really will put that on my to-do list!
Reading the manual is so boring hahahahah . … sometimes figuring out how to do what you want to do can be a fun challenge in itself.
I admit I have consulted the manual :0
I also broke down and picked up a couple bird field guide books . …
Forgot – you have Nikon E5600?
I really like that first shot. Since I’ve been around hardcore birders, I don’t claim to really “know” birds but enjoy watching them now.
We took a walk this morning by a frozen lake — about 200 Canadian geese and ducks. Interesting watching them on the ice. Also, my sis has a bird feeder at her place — lots of different birds picking through the snow for food. I get quite enthralled.
Thanks for sharing the pics.
I have not seen Canadian Geese on the ice – it must be fun to watch them do there bird thing and beautiful.
I am only positive in my identification of Canadian Geese, Eagles, Egrets, and Sand hill Cranes. After that it is big bird, sparrow or robin -ISH or a duck LOL. I do now have a couple of bird field guides so I can look them up and hopefully identify them.
There are many hard core birders that come out the refuges and I wish I could remember all the great info the share with me. Unfortunately I usually forget their bird identification info what name to what bird before I get home. I remember all the stuff they tell me about the particular habits of whatever bird they are talking about but never the name.
Enjoy the walks by the frozen lake!
LBB (little brown / blue bird) also works for identification 😉
Talked Dad into going out a few feet onto the lake — it was really solid!
Ok so good thing I did not make a crack about not falling through the ice.
How about BFB or HAB?
Umm…had to work on this a while…Big F’n Bird and Huge Arse Bird?
Am I close?
yeah you got it the big f bird and Hugh arse bird. Sorry took so long to answer but main puter took a big S%#$ and it took a bit to get the others online as the one the dumped was the mother ship LOL.
I can tell you that the place called frys is named after what they cause when they sale you the wrong part.
anyhow slowly trying to get up again what a pain!!!
“… mine are way better than the ones he did not get …” pretty much says it all, Jan. Pretty much says it all.
Yes it does in a way. It is surprising to me how many folks go out there with thousands of dollars worth of gear and leave me wondering how they will ever get that great shot ( I am still trying for super clear awesome egret shot) if they never wait and enjoy.