1. Woohoo…an i7!! Fantastic! What a wonderful friend you have. Happy belated birthday and have fun with the new machine.

    • I am thank you. I am scratching my head figuring out how the two graphic cards work together and how to set up the 3D.

      It is Win 7 also and we all know how fun figuring out where the hide things ha ha . …

  2. Happy Birthday and enjoy your new computer — didn’t understand a thing you said about it. Am I not totally pathetic??

    • Pathetic? Silly to thing that.
      How about it looks cool because of all the blue lights?

      My mom made me a from scratch lemon cake. The frosting was just right – not to sour not to sweet. Shh don’t tell anyone but I know how to put one together also – but in never comes out as good as my moms.

  3. Most excellent! I guess dealing with that mother was worth it — the motherboard that is.

    Potato tacos? I’m still pondering.

    Happy birthday — enjoy the new machine!

    • Potato tacos are amongst my favorite. Corn tortilla, cheese, etc. and of course potato. Sauce is made with Mexican green tomato’s, avocado . … all blended up.

      My most favorite is pineapple taco’s.

      I spent a lot of time today rerouting all the wires from the power supply. I still have more to go but it is running cooler because of better air flow.

      This thing is fast so I am in happy land for a bit.

  4. webster

    Happy belated birthday, Jan. I have no idea what those specs mean, but I will guess that it is a kick-ass computer, especially as it was an unexpected gift! It’s nice that both friends and family stepped forward to treat you to meals out. I should be so lucky. 😉

    • yes I ate my way through my birthday LOL oink.

      And yes it is pretty fast and renders video well – I have a goofy set of cheap 3D glasses but I need to figure out the best setting for the graphic cards – never have had a computer with two graphic cards before.

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