I was gonna refrain from mentioning bloggers lake of functioning but after they got back up I tried to leave a comment on a blog and it would not let me by the give me your phone number so you can recover you info if you forget. Dear Google I am not going to give you my freaking phone number OK?
I am glad that I do not use your free blog service – yes the past 24 plus hours as once reinforced my belief that paying to have a disc space for my blog was worth it. I like that if my blog crashes it will be because I did some dumb thing or my host service bombed. Do I backup my blog? You bet! So what I can not get back would be what I did not back up.
Ok free is free – even a free wordpress blog could go boom boing just like blogger did but eh – I like my stuff being my stuff. It is bad enough when gmail goes wonky I can not get my mail – but free is free. How about youtube? so far so good but if it goes and I loose out – hey free is free.
But why oh why do you need my phone number? Like google has not collected enough stats on me? Oye!
Glad that it looks like all the blogger blogs are back up and I suspect if google hounds me enough I will find another means of leaving comments. If a comment system only accepts blogger and google identities guess some folks will not get some comments from those of us who like keeping at least our phone number away from google.
Personally, I would be really bummed if I could not blog when I wanted to. If I ever can not afford the slight fee my host charges I guess I would go with a free wordpress blog. The platform is way more customizable and it appears it is easier to backup your stuff. $5.95 a moth is not a lot really to pay to have blog. The wordpress platform is free open source so no extra charge there. My web hosting provider even handled the transfer of kmilyun . com so i did not loose my domain name –
Ok glad you bloggers are all back I missed you this morning!
Ya…well let me tell ya…I have 3 blogs on BLOGGER and when the big hiccup happened and lasted almost 24 hours, I went searching over at wordpress. I am seriously thinking of moving my photoblog there. Good thing I back up my photos ’cause they lost a couple! WEll, you know what they say…..you only get what you pay for!
glitches in service annoy some of us more than other. I admit that I am a wordpress fan. I think after learning the ins and outs a person has more control over the look and workings of their blog with wordpress than blogger.
WordPress features and plugins allow for many different ways to showcase your photos. heck out of the box it will create albums for you. And their service is free also.
I’ve been with Blogger for a year and a half, and this is the first time this happened. I save my blogs and pix, so I don’t really care. Plus, it’s not like it’s the end of the world. It’s only a pasttime for me. My motto? I won’t pay if I can get it for free. I am glad it’s back on, though!
I think I am just old school and a control freak with my own data. It is the one of the worst outages Blogger has experienced in a long time if not the worst. My motto is more along the lines of it is free be wary.
It is not the end of the world LOL of course not! But for some it means getting cut off from their cyber friends and connection to the world. For them it is a bigger deal.
Blogger has always had little glitches and hiccups (mostly minor) but they are getting better about reporting them so folks do not spend hours messing with their themes only to find out it was blogger not them.
Glad you all are back up. It was a strange morning with hardly any MS blogs to read!
Strange. I didn’t even notice that there was a problem. And here I was feeling guilty that I hadn’t posted since wed/thurs. Glad that everybody is back.
Since I do not use blogger I only figured it out when my newsreader showed no new posts. I was like – bummed as I like reading before starting the day.
I am glad everyone is back up and running too.
Hi Jan,
I hated not getting into my blog, the thought of everything from August 2006 gone was horrible, even worse was the thought of no contact with you and others.
I have not experienced thi before.
It was not nice.
I wonder if word press use paypal.
I have a free blog there too.
I just passed by to say hello.
I hope you are doing well.
Yes not having your blog work and no way to keep up is not fun. It happened along time ago to me and that is why I choose paying for hosting. Although I do get out once and a while once school ends I find reading blogs one of my big social outlets and surfing the net and making silly movies occupy me.
I do not understand why you need paypal to use free wordpress blog? Do you mean can you set up something for others to pay or to buy extras for the blog like more space for photos?
I am glad that you still read my blog as I do yours. I just do not comment much I am working on that – trying to comment more often on the blogs I read.
I added your wordpress blog to my reader so if one goes down I shall read the other 🙂
I hope you experience no more problems our blogging friends are so important and I know you always keep up with everyone!