1. I feel your pain, Jan. When we first moved into our house we had a family across the alley with a gang banger for a son. There were cars zooming by at all hours stopping long enough to get their drugs. Eventually they moved (went into foreclosure); Day before yesterday there was a knock at the door; it was one of the new kids (backed up by his Mom) asking permission to get his errant ball out of our laurel hedge. He couldn’t reach it from the alley side, so had to come into our yard, but Mom made him ask permission first. Yay to Mom for teaching him good manners!!

    Interesting that we don’t have nearly the police presence that we used to enjoy, either. LOL Hmmm, wonder what that was about?

    • Yes it is gonna get worse now that our police force has been cut back. They said they are not gonna come out on recovered stolen cars, burglaries that suspect is gone, etc. . …

      The folks doing what I wrote about are not even the bangers. Just your everyday low life ghetto folks. I suspect many people are gonna be glad they did not jump on the gun ban band wagon ๐Ÿ™‚


  2. i hate that you guys are living in the hood and subjected to continual crap from those folks… and that people who truly need help with things that are medically necessary can’t get it… and that you have to keep a near constant vigil to protect your property… truly sucks… i hope that you two can find a way out of there in the near future… i think about it often and wish there were an answer… hey! make a video and send it in to extreme home makeover or something… there has to be some show that would fork over millions to get you two a new home somewhere safe and healthy and cool/warm…. ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Well now I hate it more! LOL if we can make it 3 and half more years we are good. Hope we live that long ha ha.

      The extreme home things no way talk about intrusive. 3 and half years the mantra LOL


  3. Could I entice on a small, but lovely condo for sale in the lush, green Pacific Northwest with good neighbors? ๐Ÿ™‚

    When I’ve lived around wacko neighbors, the vigilance really sucked the energy out of me. This has to be so wearing and probably amps up symptoms for you.

    Sorry Jan.

    • It does add a tad of stress to our world. Two stories umm if I ever get out of here I so am not getting anything with stairs LOL

      Catfish and Annie would not know what to do with their time if they did not have to stay alert and on guard!


      • Yeah, no kidding on the stairs.

        I missed the three and a half years bit. Not sure what mark that is. But good luck hanging in there.

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