Just a quick note to let you all know that I am still breathing. P.E. Is going ok, swimming ok, I have noticed that some physical stuff is better while other things have gotten worse. My balancing act is far from great but I seem to do better than last semester. I get vertigo in certain positions turns out I have crystals in my dang ears. Good thing is it only happens when laying prone. My fingers don’t cooperate as well, I can’t walk as far down a sidewalk but I can run on the tread mill while holding on to its rails.
Catfish has not gotten anymore growths and seems to have more happy go lucky days right now than not. Annie dog has not eaten anything else that is hazardous to her health and still wants to play ball 24/7. I still have not figured out the new cable menu and suspect I might just wait till the contact expires and switch back.
I have been spending a lot of time looking at photos on G+ and following conversations about Apple, Android, social media platforms, how the information they track about you and me as we surf about the net and how Facebook’s cookie policies and usage are just down right over the top wrong. I guess if you do not mind after you have closed and logged out that a site still follows you? There is some downright scary stuff going on out there’s right now and how much we accept without complaint just might be the difference between an open Web and one only available to those who have the financial resources (of the upper class).
This is my first post from my tablet so I hope it does not come out all jumped up.
Posted from WordPress for Android
So Jan? Did that parking security officer who took down your license number have you hauled in? You’re going to classes now; doing the back stroke, the crawl, the butterfly, and you get home all whomped out so you cant post anymore?
Okay, okay. I should talk. I post, what? maybe twice a month? But that’s me. Well, this is just to know I’m still reading – when there’s something to read.
Glad to hear that doggies are doing well. That’s good news.
Augh – the little wanna be cop has not been seen around campus as of late 😉 I think he was not good material for the job? One of them showed up in front of our PE class where we park (with a special permit) and started to write tickets. Our teacher went round and round with him stating it was the first day of class and we could not have the permits until we were assigned them on the first day of class. He could not grasp that no one would have a permit until after the first class. LOl She ended up having to get the head of security out to solve the problem.
No back strokes here haha I can manage with a snorkel and not turning my head -lhermitte’s and cervical degeneration and all.
I read when there are post also. I dont know why but lately I have not been in the blogging mood. Oh well 😉
Be careful with your neck! Somehow I find it comical that you’re taking a swimming class with a snorkel, but whatever works!!
Blog more when you feel like it. I just like to hear what everyone else is doing. I’m not going anywhere.
Well I must say I look marvelous splashing about with my cool goggles and snorkel – can you say dork! Ha ha.
Hi Jan *waving*
Good to see a post. I thought you were going to another blogger buddy that had disappeared from the face of the earth.
I heard some weird stuff about tracking internet usage here in Canada. Rumour has it that they are going to charge more money to be connected. Canada already has one the highest internet connection rates in the world. Gee, I can’t even afford high speed so I can Skype! It’s a world for the rich alright.
Glad the pups are good. Take care!
Access to the internet is a big deal. It already is becoming a has V has not’s market. Trending shows that the mobile access will be the next major playground and it is looking bad for the open web. Then again those of us in the lower financial grid may benefit when all the have’s migrate toward mobile leaving us poorer demographic folks with old school access – and we know how to that!
I have read rumors about requiring an verified internet ID card to access the net – someones bright idea on control under the guise of making the net safer.
Pups say Hiya and are waving their paws back at ya
wait… First post from tablet? New tablet? New toy? Is fun? I’m so glad I can’t use those things anymore, because I would really want one. So play with it for me, will ya?
Regards to Catfish and Annie, and thanks for checking in. You know how I worry… 🙂
Shhh I used some money my dad gave me plus a loan from my friend Mikey to purchase it. I love that I can use the google voice make posts and it solves the can not sit at the desk long periods of time problem.
The best part is playing Angry Birds ha ha ha.
On an informative note I have conversed a few times with a nice young man with MS who does graphic art (NASCAR) on G+ using a headband mouse thing. It is amazing what he can do.
The link to his about page on his site – warning music starts playing so turn down the speakers if need privacy :