Many things have been keeping me from posting. The first – crazy computer problems.
The computer my friend gave me last year had a slight break in a seem of the case. It apparently ripped further from the weight of the top graphic card. The card shorted out I think? Any way I removed the card and am running off the other one. When I removed the card I pulled the power and ugh oh my bad the cmos battery was dead so . … nuff said about computer one.
I have not turned on computer two for over a month maybe longer. When it booted up the virus program refused to run or reinstall. I finally gave up on messing with it and did restore of the computer. Ha ha the virus program still will not install. So next thing on the list is to contact the vendor – oh happy joy joy :(.
I am thinking I need to save up and buy a new case, get the first graphic card tested, etc.
We have made a couple of trips since I last posted. One to the Vic Fazio Wildlife refuge with my friend Mikey and another to the San Pablo refuge area with KRP.
If I ever get my computers up and running properly I will post some pics. I just spent the last few days backing up everything since my last back up. It took 39 DVD’s for the pics from 2011 and four for what I have for 2012. I so need to remember to backup the photos when I get them off the camera. Procrastination bit me in the arse so maybe I will remember to do it!
I have been experimenting with different ways to feed the little birds outside my front window. I can not put up a bird feeder – one it against the association rules – two the kids just tear them down. I made some little seed things using dried bagels. I coated them with peanut butter and then rolled them in seeds. The birds loved them but the kids pulled them down. When I put a pan out with seed the gardeners removed the pan and tossed it. If I remember to bring it in every Tuesday morning it might work? The man who was feeding the birds and squirrels died last month so I have been trying to take over as they are used to having some extra food provided.
Catfish has been doing good lately. He has taken to sitting on the bed and watching out the window. He barks at other four legged creatures and people as they walk by. He still comes into the room here and sleeps at my feet. The good thing is that he has been eating better and not getting sick – yeah! Annie is her usual self – all lab LOL.
Hope to post more later. Take care.
Ackkkk, computer probs…nasty. Hope you are up and running soon.
Yeah it takes me forever now days to undo the screws and stuff. fumble fingers. All my drives are fine (except one external that died prior to this problem).
Jan – you are so knowledgeable about computers and still have all sorts of hardware problems. So what are we mere mortals to do?
What about the little bird feeders that can go on your window with little suction cups. Would those be torn down by kids or gardeners? Could you put them up high enough to be out of their reach/
It would be more of an inconvenience if money were not so tight. I would just go buy a new case move everything over and add things one at a time.
We are not suppose to put anything out – cracks me up really – with everything that goes on around here.
Cranky said what I was thinking — if Jan’s perplexed by computers issues, the rest of us should just crawl under the covers and hide. :0
Glad you got a couple outings to some refuges. Can you feed the critters from your patio area?
Am still dealing with a few things and not yet moved in — a few issues along the way. But close and at least it’s sunny here about all the time!
I think I have it figured out. The aluminum case ripped from the weight of the graphic cards, the top graphic card pulled out of its socket then arced, the system went nuts. Then Cmos battery was dead so I replaced it and reset the bios. The machine is back online reboots itself magically sometimes in an hour sometimes it goes hours . … augh! Maybe I need a stick and vacuum 🙂
Seems the only time I get out is when someone else is in the mood to go wildlife viewing. I could put a feeder out in the back patio area but Annie dog would have more fun than the birds.
I am glad to hear you are closer to getting settled. I know it has been quite a crazy ride. Hope Jakester is not too stressed.
I can help with your computers. Let me know and I can see what I can do. 🙂
Thank you for the offer Tim. 🙂 I have them all up and running now. I just did a complete reinstall on the one in the Scout case. It took forever to get all the windows updates because it is Vista I must remember to run it once in a bit and get the updates as we know Vista is always needing updates ha ha. The graphic card checked out ok. I am watching the case rip in case it goes further.
I am glad you got it all up and working again, now we can enjoy some more of your pictures and adventures. 🙂