Friday I managed to make a pot o beans. I mixed up a few different varieties heavy on the Cranberry beans. I soaked them over night so I was pretty much committed to making them. I started with adding a splat or two of mustard and then a tad of this and that. While I was looking at the counter I spied the bag of dried cranberries we had picked up at the fruit stand – ummm – cranberry beans and cranberries – made sense to me. So I grabbed a hand full or so and dropped them in.
Taste, and taste again. Hummm, these sure would be great baked! Added a bit of molasses and cooked them down. Popped the Dutch Oven into the electric oven and baked them. Ok, not to toot my own horn but they were delicious. It has been awhile since I have gotten the old Dutch Oven out and made a pot so I was pleased.
This evening we used them in our taco’s. It was an interesting taste. Sweet baked beans and all the usually taco fixings. I was rather skeptical at first putting sweet baked beans in a taco but they were not all that bad – not super great but tasty.
I sat down late this evening and made another video. Sometimes I just come up with some silly hair brained idea that I think might be funny or entertaining. If nothing else it give me something to do.
So here is the video:
Ok another try and another test trying to find a good plug-in that will allow me to place to photo galleries in one post. Since the last update of WP the method I had been using stopped working. So tell me what you think of the method?
This should show only the ducks and geese
this one should show only the Gulls
Well, it made me laugh — the tater part. I’m sitting here howling as I watched you stab that poor potato. Thanks for a good laugh — I needed it.
Laughing is always a good thing! The poor potato did give its life for a good cause – yummy fries.
You crack me up! I love your videos. Try it with a mini potato.
Your photos are just marvellous darling! I like them all, but that last gull photo is just superb!
I mini potato? I suspect that would be too small a target for me LOL chicken potato stabber that I am. Might try a less dense one sometime and a stronger straw.
I grabbed the photos out of folder so the selection was pot luck. I remember the day I shot them and I was for some reason fascinated with duck and geese feet and playing with depth of field.
Loved the music for the potato escapade.
About your pics, I think they’re some of the best I’ve seen — really stunning especially the feet. Am going to share them with my dad — he’s a fan of your photos (and a birder).
Hiya Donna! Thank you for the kind comment – duck feet LOL who would have thought . … say howdy to your dad and tell him that one of these days I am gonna use his identification knowledge. And tell him that yeah I know those are gulls not sea gulls hee hee