thought I had better type something here lest you all think I crawled into a hole and croaked.
A summation of the last few weeks:
met with our city council representative, the head of the South Sac police command, and a district director . …
the stolen u hau l truck that was involved in a high speed chase, stopped by spike strips, well the woman arrested and the u hau l were next door most of the month.
lots of loud music, yelling, fights etc. just what you think you would hear and find in the ghetto.
The heat is doing what the heat does to many of us so I have been spending a lot of time reading and game playing
Someone was trying to break into our wireless connection so rather that continue to fend of the invaders constant attempts I just turned it the freak off.
Oh so lovely dealing with the heat and ex felons and gangsters . ….
We are thinking of just throwing in the towel and heading to a bankruptcy type lawyer and seeing what we can do. The only way we can get the heck outta here will force this . …
ta ta for now
Good luck with the lawyer. I keep thinking that the west coast is pretty tame compared to hoodlum city here in the east. Guess crime exists all over.
Our city has seen a major increase in gang activity and crime. Unfortunately, the south area of Sacramento seems to be where they are hanging. I looked up the township showing on you weather gadget and then Sacramento’s as a comparison. I found the basic stats for 2009
Nice, to hear from you, even if the news is not so nice.
Seems we are all dealing with the heat.
We finally went back down from the triple digits to the upper 90’s and a few days in the upper 90’s yeah!
Oh, the heat, the heat. Went to the farmers’ market with family last night. Still above 100 at 7pm. Kept looking at people walking around normally and thought what’s wrong with them?
So, sorry about the ghetto problem. That environment day after day really does seep into one’s soul. Good luck on figuring out a solution.
Yeah it rather an affront to ones senses. Constant noise and quite honestly fear. If you had told me I would be living next to felon’s 15 years ago I would have laughed at you.
I do the same thing watching folks walking about like it is not HOT I mean how can they do that? then I remember what it was like not to really have to pay attention to the weather other than notice if it was raining or sunny. It is certainly one of those things that unless you experience it you really don’t “get” it.
i hate that you guys are living in fear… home is supposed to be the sanctuary.. the place where we can go to be comfortable, feel safe, and regenerate… i hope that y’all can find a solution. i can’t imagine living with that ruckus day in and day out. we lived in da ‘hood for a few years but on the outskirts… of course coach worked in da ‘hood and we shopped there. but it’s not the same as living it daily like y’all are doing.
this heat is a booger to say the least… doesn’t help that we moved FURTHER south… bleh. i spend my days laying around with a fan blowing on me… i feel like such a slug! and the upside? not really … there is NO winter here… pft
there actually is an upside – coach has a fantastic job and we live in a nice, clean place for a change….:)
oh lets us see more police instead of layoffs and getting the new corporation machine to treat the long term employees fair?
OK, well, that all sux. I thought Calif was all sunny, watery, and perrty—-come to Seattle before you turn all gansta on us. Clean, fresh, bluest skies you ever seen…blah blah blah, sing along.
Well we have the sunny, the water, and the beautiful landscape . … most of the money probs are because of KRP’s work cutting cutting hours etc . ..
hey there good ol’ friend. be nice and don’t start no riot over there!