Yes, here for your thoughts and wonderment I give you Chameleon the woman MS fighter. She is in training as we speak.
She is scheduled to join the MS Super Hero Team upon completion of rigorous combat and medical training. It is expected that she will be fluent in neuro speak, MRI interpretation, and complete advance studies in psychology, microbiology, and hunting down evil misguided T-cells.
Her physical training will also include advanced dog ball throwing.
Chameleon the woman MS fighter, she sounds and looks the business and the advanced ball throwing is brilliant.
Go for it Chameleon woman.
Great laugh thanks.
ps thanks for your supportive comment yesterday on my blog.
Lisa Emrich
LOL. Can’t wait to see her in action.
@herrad if you were a superhero what powers would you have?
@Lisa – I hope she can kick some MS butt LOL