Lately it seems that whenever I open my mouth it ends up with me saying something stupid sounding or I get misunderstood and whatever people thought I meant leads to them thinking poorly of me and I end up feeling the outcast. Go figure.
We did go to the baseball game here and watch the RiverCats. The MS Society sponsored a night out at the game providing us with discount tickets. We all had a good time and the weather was great for it. Not to hot and not to cold – just right as the story goes. I wonder if I am two faced accepting the discount tickets when I really have some issues with the local organizations leadership?
Sunday night I had the pleasure of meeting some people from the now defunct tent city. My friend works for an organization that find housing for the homeless. They arrange renting house and placing homeless into them. It is quite the program. I watched a video some of them put together about tent city a few weeks ago. It was interesting talking with them. Whenever we have a dinner at M and M’s you never know who you will meet.
A few weeks ago I met a young man (18) from a communist Latin American country. He came here to “find work” and a “goodier life” but can not – seems running from political oppression does not get you a green card. Many of the folks have been (or are) experiencing some sort of mental illness, substance abuse problems, etc., but a lot of them just were living one pay check to the next and lost their jobs.
More on this front later – maybe.
I sat watching my computer screen logged on to the Ca Supreme Courts site this morning only slightly hopeful that when they posted their ruling it would say that Prop. 8 was over turned. Oh sigh . .. seems it is ok with the State of California to allow a minority group of people to be denied the same rights afforded the majority. I have lived in this state all my life. I am disappointed with the ever growing crime rate, the noise, the shootings, the graffiti, the loud music, the list goes on . …
You don’t see homosexual gangs running around shooting each other, destroying others property, yet last time I looked they are the only minority group that the State feels necessary to put onto paper a law that discriminates, denies, and purposely sets apart as not equal . …
I am not saying that racial discrimination does not exist, nor that urban poverty is not a catalyst, I am just pointing out that most educated folks realize this, while at the same time apparently think it is OK to deny gay and lesbian marriages. The court and the voters have spoken.
I was disappointed at the ruling too. I still am. But after reading all 189 pages of the thing (140 of which were self-justification for a morally deficient ruling…), I actually think the court walked a very careful line and split the baby firmly in half.
don’t call it marriage for anyone. Call it cohabitation. All the same rights have to be given to same-sex couples as hetero. they just can’t call them married. That’s actually a pretty significant leap, that essentially makes the term marriage a dinosaur. Watch. As the legal eagles sort this out, you’re going to see that the court actually left the door wide open and swinging, rather than slamming it shut.
With that said, I fully support and expect a repeal of prop 8 in 2010. Hopefully this time around the campaign will be more organized and less cocky.
I was just wondering about you and what was up. Glad you posted!