Yeah the blog is back. Moving hosts is a PITA – big time LOL. I read all the info followed all the instructions and waited till the domain switched over . … I must say that my new host has much better service and help than the old. So I am glad I changed.
That said there is nothing more frustrating than the nasty little blank white page when things go wonky. I must confess that I have no idea what exactly was wrong but I started over again with a fresh wordpress install, re-uploaded all the plugins and them files and it came back – whew.
The repair/installers are here putting in the new heater/air blower, A/C, and all the mandatory upgrades to bring the stupid stuff to code. Hopefully when the heat goes up next week I will be basking in total A/C comfort. I could have bought a car for what this is costing.
Well more laters, Catfish and Annie are locked in separate bedrooms and from the sound of it all you would think someone was torturing them!
I’ve got my fingers crossed for you that your upgrade luck holds out. Our A/C has been running full time for the past month, and it still can’t keep up with this Texas summer heat. I remember the days in SF when 90 was hot, and nobody had A/C except the odd bar.
It’s 98 here in Austin at 9:35pm. Still, there is a breeze, and the front porch is where we are happiest. If I could give you one gift it would be the gift of a friendly neighborhood.
The installer left last night and we basked in the cool air! It was so great to move about the place and not hit a wall of heat when you made it to the stairwell landing. So all new system installed and I have to figure out how to work the new thermostat control – good grief it has more functions than my first calculator.
Next week it is expected to go back up to the higher nineties again 🙁 we have been blessed with high 80’s and it has gone down to the 50’s at night this week ! Soon it will more than likely be up in the 100’s but with the strange weather patterns we have been having = who knows?
I wish you luck on the A/C fix. Funny differences in weather. Steve mentions how hot it’s been in Texas. Here in Massachusetts, we’ve had one day that hit 80 degrees. Most days here, we’ve hardly gotten up to 70. Amazing, on July 10th, woke up this a.m. and it was 51 degrees at 7:15am! Here it is 12:15pm and it’s not quite 70. In addition, rain and cloudiness most days, though sunny today.
Sorry to whine about the weather. It does have its upsides, we’re saving a lot on electricity as the A/C has been on for about 5 minutes this year.
I will plead my ignorance and ask – what is the weather normally like in Massachusetts at this time of the year?
We have been having exceptionally lower temps than the norm for this time of year.
Now that the new system is in I hope that my sure to be over use of the A/C won’t bring the bill up too high – cause now we have to pay for the darn system LOL
Now the rain – aah – I loves the rain
Jan – July is typically the hottest month of the year in Massachusetts. We live about 20 miles west of Boston. Typical high temp is 84 degrees, so we’re running about 15 degrees lower than normal. I just checked and it looks like our daily lows have flirted very closely with the observed record lows for the respective days in July.
Rain isn’t normally much of an issue for me. I won’t say I love it, more that I’m pretty indifferent to it. The only issue lately is the sheer frequency of it, along with continuous overcast, for virtually all of June and July to date.
Enjoy your A/C when the heat rolls round again!