1. That photo is a lime? Wowie. Your artistry gives us a whole new perspective on things.

    As for getting disoriented on the freeway … I find that I can easily get distracted and forget to turn. When I used to commute to work (well, I still commute, but it’s just from bedroom to kitchen now … LOL), that drive was often my default drive. If I didn’t pay attention to where I was going, I’d just get into autopilot and start driving to work. I use a GPS now even when I know exactly where I’m going so Our Lady of the Road (our name for the voice) can remind me to turn.

    • Cranky,

      I did way better finding our way to Stagecoach and then a wee bit farther. Of course I had the navigator with me.

      Not paying attention to where I am and zoning in la la land is one thing but . …

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