It has been a wacky past few days. My brain fog was in overdrive the other night. We left our friends house and I was following KRP down the freeway. All of a sudden it dawned on me I had not a clue as to where the heck I was. At night the freeways all look well, like a freeway. Until I finally came across a road sign I was hoping not to find myself halfway to L.A. . I had forgotten the she was going to stop by work to pick something up and when we were separated on the roadway I just kept going LOL. After a few u-turns I got back on the freeway and hit the interchange to catch the right road home. I have only lived here since 1981 amazing how baffled I can get anymore as to my location in space and time.
My pal Mike surprised me with a resurrection from the dead. He took my old computer and pulled out all the melted components and after electronic surgery gave it back to me! It is missing a few parts and has a few new ones. But the nifty exciting thing is it runs XP. And, XP means my photo software – YEAH!!!!! Amazing what the man can do with used components and a solder gun. His warranty is not bad either: sixty seconds or 60 photos processed -which ever comes first ;). This is just so cool because the learning curve on the freeware software combined with Vista Vs the XP I am used to was nutting me all up. Johnnie Fives Alive! Needs Input . …
Billy stopped in over night on his way to San Francisco and unjammed my computer desk keyboard shelf. I swear I pushed and pulled and then he just reaches down grabs it gives it one yank and out it comes. Geezzz I am a weakling anymore. I was still up when he left at 5am sleep has not been coming easy lately. I usually just read until I fall asleep and then I keep waking up more than usual for no reason that I can figure out.
A cold front has come in and it started to rain it is cooling off. After the summer heat it feels good. Catfish dog is bundled up on the foot of the bed as he seems to think he has not gotten his winter coat yet and that it is to cold for puppy dogs. LOL
I went outside in hopes of finding a bug or some other little creature to photograph and they apparently are all hidden somewhere – snug as a bug in the rain. So I played around with lime for awhile. Nice and chilly from the fridge but bright color. Going to poke my head outside again and smell the rain . …
Ah yes, the blanks spots. Aren’t they something?
And, another photo that grabs my attention. Looks liquid-like.
That photo is a lime? Wowie. Your artistry gives us a whole new perspective on things.
As for getting disoriented on the freeway … I find that I can easily get distracted and forget to turn. When I used to commute to work (well, I still commute, but it’s just from bedroom to kitchen now … LOL), that drive was often my default drive. If I didn’t pay attention to where I was going, I’d just get into autopilot and start driving to work. I use a GPS now even when I know exactly where I’m going so Our Lady of the Road (our name for the voice) can remind me to turn.
I did way better finding our way to Stagecoach and then a wee bit farther. Of course I had the navigator with me.
Not paying attention to where I am and zoning in la la land is one thing but . …