Jumping into using the much debated IQ testing scores proverbial measuring stick I wonder if I have moved to the short end. Most days someone somewhere seems to judge me as belonging to the lower quotient crowd. Sometimes I am to far into my cog fog to notice and other times I catch their verbal slights and innuendos. And then I get mad? Frustrated? I duuno.
The opposite of this seems to be for me when someone points out that I should not be having a problem with a task because – yeah gee your smart enough to figure that one out. Or you tests show you are upper scale so you can not be having this problem. Gosh I can not win.
Say augh. If left alone and undisturbed I can still figure out the surface area of sphere SA= 4?(r^2) I think that is it – anyways – but if I do not lay out the ingredients for a recipe in order I will surly forget the eggs LOL. WTF
I get to where I want to scream at some folks that it is in my brain really, somewhere, I am not stupid!!
So is it easier to start out with a lower (using the evil IQ testing) intelligence level or a higher one? The more you start out with helps find more/better mechanisms to cope? Maybe leading to others perceptions of functioning abilities expectations to be to high?
Buy a shirt that says my IQ is ____ but I function at ____
or My Brain on MS
Determine the sum of all positive six-digit numbers.
Ok end of rant.
Answer: 494,999,550,000
At least you could do it at one point or another. Unlike me, who just looked at that and burst into loud guffaws. ROFL.
What’s scary is when I can’t remember names on recall…and I haven’t got any excuses, other than age.
I think blaming it all on age works.
The stuff you do writing and book keeping and . … well way smarter than the average bear I would say.
Oh yeah and keeping track of all the social networking – yikes!
At least you can walk and chew gum at the same time.
If you chew really slowly.
You are a woman of many talents! A real multi-tasker.
LOL I so wish! I never could do the chew gum thing – to much work – chewing I mean
Most folks have a tough time grasping the contradiction of whipper-snapper smart folks with cognitive deficits, including most health professionals. And, like you said, it seems that our deficits shine when we’re wanting the smarts to show. And, when we’re needing to track or benchmark the deficits, our intelligence sometimes covers them up. Gads.
I’m getting neurocognitive testing next week and the following week. Although I’m under the impression that I’m smart, but I am preparing myself for a bit of humble pie and/or frustration.
And, about the math question, remember how odd numbered questions had their answer in the back of the book? Maybe this one has the answer hidden in the archives somewhere? :0
Alas friend I figured it out already really I did LOL
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