Yep, there you have what is left of an 169.00 dollar package plus the 120 bucks worth of labor. Before you all start yammering on about how we should move – note we can not afford to! We are to busy paying our insurance and vandalism costs.
It is a free for all around here nowadays with the PD not being able to police and the and the legal system not being able to prosecute – it is just a thieves dream come true I tell you.
Ok, I get that you wanted to snitch my gasoline but why I ask must you steal the gas cap, cut the cord to it, and ruin the filler neck? I ask is there no intelligence at all amongst you thieving bastards?
Oh yeah now that I found out the end caps for the nerf bars cost 89.00 bucks I get why you stole those too.
But damaging stuff that does not need to be damaged to get less than 5 gallons of gas? You all are just stupid and we as a society are letting you get away with it. Yes we are. It is not because your mamma was not much of a mamma. I do not believe it is because you have had a rough life either. Nope I believe it is because you know no one is going to hold you accountable. Maybe you were born of bad seed – i dunno but I am buying the excuses anymore.
You see the thing you all do not get is that I am not exactly happy with life right now. I am looking forward to who knows what.
Might you understand that – I am sure you do as you always are running about letting everyone know your not afraid to die.
Guess what suckers!
You owe me about 378.00 dollars plus tax.
Gezzzzzz…rough neighbourhood? Do you have a car alarm and a baseball bat?
Alarms are pretty much ignored anymore so I only have well not a siren alarm
Does it happen a lot? But, then again once is enough.
yes it happens too much and the last few months have hit us hard
Crap. Sorry about the continuing neighborhood sagas.
Sigh ;(
just flat out sucks
damn thieves… i hope that when the siphoned the gas they got a little in their mouth
Last week someone raided my gas tank too. Perhaps it was a neighbor who ran out of gas and just took a gallon or so to get started because they didn’t make a real dent in the gas gauge. And this just after I filled the tank for a drive to the Ocean. They left the gas cap on the trunk — you’d think they’d be a little more sneaky. If they hadn’t done that, I would never have known they had ripped me off. I’m just happy no vandalism occurred. Also, if it was someone in need – real need – as in having to get to work and needing the gas to do it, I’m okay with that. Though it would have been nice if they came clean with us later. [I know – I’m a dreamer.]
I’m sorry for your additional expense. And for what seems to be such an endless problem.
I am sure I have lost gas more than once. They believe it or not do not have a locking gas cap that plays well with this model truck. They are all after market and usually cause the check engine light to come on – annoying as heck.
I am going to see if Billy will help find and install a gas door, inside part that holds the tube and the lock would hit, and a lock that I can have keyed – they would be from a 98 and I think they will work. This year also did not offer a locking gas door!
and yeah I wish I could see an end to all this stuff but I am not thinking it is gonna happen in the near future.