Hang in there folks. My quest for purple may come to and end . .. someday LOL
I got this idea and white balance has now joined the quest for purple party.
Test run. One white object shot at different white balance settings using one speedlight. The results were as expected a kelvin white balance setting of 9900 produced a slight red and the 2500 a slight blue.
Next using the speedlight with a blue gel the 9900 produced blue and the 2500 a brighter blue more towards the violet side but still a deep blue. Using a speedlight with a red gel produced red at 9900 and a dark reddish color with almost a black/brown to it at 2500.
Now with the basic tests done I used two speedlights – one with the red and one with the blue gel. Results:
9900 red gel side reddish tinge of magenta, blue gel side magenta to purple, mid point magenta bordering on purple
5300 red gel side red with tinge of magenta, blue gel side blueish-purple, mid pointe purple
2500 red gel side purple, blue gel side blu, mid point blue
Red absorbs blue and green and blue absorbs red and green.
The loss of the green makes the purple. So I am trying to use red and blue to get rid of the green and end up with purple. It seems that setting the kevin to get as close to the 5500 sun at noon setting and then getting the mix of blue/red get get rid of the green . … magenta absorbs green emmm do they have magenta gel?
I am so over-thinking this LOL