I decided it was way past time to file for social security disability yep the type you worked for – the one I paid into for most of my life – that one SSD. I have put if off because I hoped I would get to go back to work, I did not want to be a mooch, I have the classic I don’t want welfare attitude that is mentioned in legal ads that can be seen on television.
I called the 800 number and tried to explain that I wanted to sign up for the SSD cause I had strokes and excuse me but I tend to get confused. The lady went on about food stamps. I tried to tell her no I want the disability info I do not need food stamps. She just kept going like the energizer bunny. When she said you will need to provide info on your bank accounts and property you own I once again asked what does that have to do with disability. When she said cause that is what you need I hung up.
My room mate called again the next day. Explained what had happened and the lady she spoke with told her that the other lady was giving me info for SSI so I must have not been clear. Well, if angrily stating I will try again I want disability not food stamps is not clear – I suppose I was not. Now armed with the knowledge that I should file online so I would not have to wait for a date where someone could accompany me to the office to help me – cause I do get confused and lost etc – my room mate and I sat down at the computer and following a set of simple instructions began to navigate the SSD online filing process. It soon turned ugly. Page after page what to answer and what not to ,when you needed to print and when not to . .. and then questions about how many kids I do not have over and over again, and my parents and …. You get the point?
Pages and clicks later the last part says MAIL your ORIGINAL BIRTH CERTIFICATE in along with …. HELLO??? I am slow, I am brain damaged, but – I am not stupid. So, we now have to drive to the Office that we were trying to avoid in the first place, now without an appointment, to show a live person my certificate and SS card.
We are now in the poster child office for inefficient bureaucracy and rude workers. The security guards were all smiles as they scanned us. I kept beeping. I had something in my left pocket that was setting it off. I can not easily get stuff out of my left pocket – especially when my right hand is holding everything I took from my right pocket and my cell phone. Needless to say no one offered the little plastic container they have to hold my stuff so – I dropped it all. Now all the people in the room stared at me.
Next we get to choose from a computer screen why we are there – well there is nothing close to “show my certificate “ so my roommate selected other and I selected apply for SSD.
Now almost anyone can figure out that the S numbers are the food stamp etc people, the E ‘s are other and the A’s are SSD. The people waiting in this place can only be described as stereotypical – you can go where ever you want with that statement but it was what I had dreaded – I was in the scum room. . A real mockery of a social security system gone bad. I listened while one gal who got so loud and angry the guard had to respond – we think from what we over heard (she was loud remember) that she had not given a new address when she moved so her welfare was cut off. And that was the lady behind the windows problem. Then there was a gal that explained she did not have birth certificate available and it would take some time to get one sent – could she use her drivers license – she waited for long time to find out from the same lady she first explained it to – now at a different window – no. I guess the workers only know stuff when at the right window?
Finally my A number was called – yeah – I am starting to get the creeps and real depressed that this is where I am suppose to be – in this side show … We get up and walk toward the window and the guy starts hollering A568? Hurry up if you’re here. Well dang we have to like walk to the window dude. Next a very angry and pissed looking jerk said what do you want? As if I was getting ready to rob or hit him! My room mate explained and he said so where are the papers? What papers? -The form for the release of medical records. Ok does she fill all this out or just sign them. Read the form he says LOL. I filled out my name addy etc and signed the same dang form 5 times. Then he say why did you fill all that out? You just had to sign. My room mate says “I told her too it said to on the form”. He grabs the papers – slamming them on his side of the window counter. Several rude comments later he says “ your birthday” you made a mistake! We say no that is my birth date. No you have the month and the date the same. Yeah? ( example 01-01-2004) The month and the date are the same. He says are you sure? Here is my birth certificate. Never mind , mutter mutter, grunt, here sit down and someone will call you – I don’t know why you have an appointment next month. I am thinking Whatever …
More waiting, more strange people, seems there were only two of us in the whole place that had actually worked at one time or another. The other person was helped by his daughter – he looked at least 70 and they were just as dang rude to him.
I did finally make it into the other “room” and a very nice professional gal helped us out. She told us that the form done on the internet was the first one that she had not had to correct errors on. Now, after what we went through online trying to figure it out I can understand why. Thank God I had someone with me! I get confused in normal circumstances this was not a do able thing for anyone with any brain damage!
Last night (early Friday morning) the site had a notice up that said the site was unavailable Fridays from 5am – 1am Eastern Time.
Think that through a bit.
The Social Security Office is worse than the DMV…I had more than my share of both during last year’s identity crisis. SSD is a beast to apply for and the definition of ‘total disability’ is another beast to come around. Is it any surprise that there are people exploiting non-english speakers and others who try to work inside the system?
As long as I’m in rhetorical question mode, here’s another one — why are the online forms unintelligible for any government agency, not just SSA? When I did the online application for DG’s passport I must’ve hit ‘send’ a zillion times only to get rejected for some stupid missing thing that I didn’t see in the first place.
And don’t even get me started on the FAFSA application I had to do for Sticks’ college apps…YECH.
At least the hardest is behind you…at least from the ‘form’ standpoint. Prepare to have everything challenged before they grant you the benefits you paid for and are owed. SIGH.
The new DMV closest to my home is a big improvement over the older ones. The open design of the structure and the efficiency of the system have greatly improved the experience.
The online forms were a pain and the million dollar question is why? It took us a long time to wade through it by continually going back and correcting errors. The site itself was poorly designed and the navigation was confusing to be polite.
The whole process had a message – we do not want you to collect any monies – regardless. As for the total disability I suspect that some paper pusher will somewhere in the wonderful system will decide that I am a scum and deserve to live in poverty forever and ever LOL. I am very grateful that I have people to help me wade through the system as there is no way I could ever make heads or tails of it.
Every step has been designed to confuse the confused. It took me 20 mins to figure out that 5am -1am was not correct. I knew it was wrong but I just could not figure out what exactly was wrong as I kept re-converting eastern time to pacific and getting the wrong answer.
I might have been better off excepting the first woman I spoke withs offer for food stamps?