1. Well, it made me laugh — the tater part. I’m sitting here howling as I watched you stab that poor potato. Thanks for a good laugh — I needed it.

  2. You crack me up! I love your videos. Try it with a mini potato.
    Your photos are just marvellous darling! I like them all, but that last gull photo is just superb!

    • I mini potato? I suspect that would be too small a target for me LOL chicken potato stabber that I am. Might try a less dense one sometime and a stronger straw.

      I grabbed the photos out of folder so the selection was pot luck. I remember the day I shot them and I was for some reason fascinated with duck and geese feet and playing with depth of field.

  3. Donna

    Loved the music for the potato escapade.

    About your pics, I think they’re some of the best I’ve seen — really stunning especially the feet. Am going to share them with my dad — he’s a fan of your photos (and a birder).

    • Hiya Donna! Thank you for the kind comment – duck feet LOL who would have thought . … say howdy to your dad and tell him that one of these days I am gonna use his identification knowledge. And tell him that yeah I know those are gulls not sea gulls hee hee

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