Do not Diminish My Freedom or my Blog
I am confused as usual.
The people are mad because the Danish newspaper republished a set of cartoons. Many feel they are a blatant slur against the Islamic people and therefore should never have been published, while others, regardless of their opinion on the content of the cartoons, believe that this is an issue of freedom of speech/press. Top government officials have spoken on the issue. News services have come out for or against publishing the cartoons by showing them or not showing them.
We are reading or hearing how cartoonists, publishers and bloggers are afraid of being victimized because they expressed an opinion about, draw cartoons, or, published the cartoons. More excitement, anxiety, fear, whatever you want to call it, is not what the world needs now.
The onine sources report more than 900 Danish websites have been hacked, with a further 1,600 western sites attacked and defaced. My dinky, unknown, dumb blog, has never had a visitor from a mid eastern country, until now. I guess I must show up on google now, and, having mentioned the cartoons, have been checked out. Coincidentally, one page of my blog just disapperared, another was altered. Wow my tiny little online world was worthy of this? More than likely it is another gremlin in the database, but, I can wonder can’t I.
It is sad. Remember when, something went wrong with your site, your internet connection started acting strange, or clicks and static on your phone line, your first thought was that of a technical failure? Not gee, I should’nt have gone to that site, used those words in a post, or discussed that topic on the phone – now look what happened?
Just a paranoid’s thoughts. Although I have nothing to hide I appreciate the freedoms I have known all my life and do not appreciate attempts to diminish them.