Tasha is fine – yeah. Everyone got back into their units – except #3 where he was holding out. Boyd says they kicked in their door so that needs replacing.
KRP has been on vacation this past week so I have been going lots of places and then when getting home falling asleep LOL
Catfish and Annies are glued to the television, KRP and I are getting updates on the cell. Buddy (Catfish’s best pal) shared his home with Tasha dog until Boyd and Christina became her forever family.
Right now the suspect in the drug store robbery where an employee was killed is barricaded in and poor Tasha is stuck in the apartment building. One officer(?) did get her into the laundry room, opened a window and she supposedly has water.
You might remember Boyd and Christina as I have written about them before. They are the previous Tent City dwellers that recently were married. I was honored to photo graph their wedding.
We just heard that a flash bang was set off and are super worried about Tashas’s well being. Mike is down there with Boyd and Kristin and giving updates.
UPDATE: the dude gave up and the expect 45 mins till they can get to Tasha
Monday school started back up. The first day for Adaptive P.E and Tuesday I have Adapt. P.E. and the first day of Adaptive swimming. Umm … wonder how I am going to like swimming? It is suppose to be over 100 deg. so I dunno – I might melt!
My friends and I needed to purchase our parking permits at the college admin office. Good grief the line was all the way out the building and it was hot. So, we decided to walk on by all the youngsters in line and went into the building. Cathy walked up to the first available window and told the gal she wished to purchase a permit. The clerk obviously noticed she had just cut in line but sold her the permit and then me one also. Then she asks me if I had just walked in and cut in front of everyone while glancing over at the security person. Cathy tells her yes we did – you should really have a handicapped line and then she walked away. The gal just gave me a funny look and I turned and walked off also.
I spent the afternoon reading a few chapters and then I started playing with the video’s again. I am starting to figure out the green screen effects but have a long way to go.
I bought some green cloth yardage and made my own and a few pieces of green poster board. It is kind of interesting to me how it all works. Lighting the screen is problematic since I do not won any studio lights. It makes it hard to get it right using my room lamp and desk light. It is like setting up the flashes for photography shots. Only I have a good set of photography flashes and I do not have any lights . … see I just had to B about something!
I should know better than to let all the electrical impulses bounce around in my mind where they inevitably form thoughts, thoughts can be good, bad, or indifferent. The what if, should-a, could-a, would- a’s, are fodder for the squirrel that runs around in his cage in my brain. If reality is a magic trick of electrical impulses – then who is watching?
As the name of this blog states: lots of forks or paths to meander down. Somethings are consistent on the main artery but where it gets interesting is wondering off along one of the many side paths. The detours along the way run the gamut of fun to unfortunate.
Visiting friends, taking a trip, figuring out how to do something new, all can be fun and exciting. Being diagnosed with MS would be one of the crappy paths. The balancing act for me is trying to keep the fun things on the main roadway and the less desirable stuff limited to a side path. Not always an easy thing to do. Sometimes the squirrel in the cage reminds me has it goes around in circles getting nowhere of the old saying: “even if your on the right track you will get run over if you just sit there”.
I do not spend a lot of writing here giving reports on the latest ailment of the day , what went numb, what hurts, cog fog, etc. although I do like to b a bit. I prefer sharing the ordinary everyday stuff and maybe sometimes I succeed in doing so. Amongst all the haphazardly written posts is my quest to fight off the sucko stuff of MS and entertain myself along the way.
I wonder if on of these days the squirrel cage is gonna break and the squirrel will just get flung out by the centrifugal forces – then what? Is the flag moving, or is it the wind?
Beam me u p – please! (another hokey kmilyun video):