Ears still Attached

Just updating what is what around these here parts. Our Godson came in from Thailand and has been busy purchasing a car, filing taxes, and taking care of business. He has applied for several jobs overseas and we are waiting to see which one he gets if any?
PE class again today yeah something productive health again. Gosh the cost per unit is going up from 28 to 40 bucks and they are making all sorts of cuts. As usual, many of them land on the backs of oh yeah you know this is coming the adaptive PE and special programs for yah the handicapped – o surprise – well more like the DUH factor anymore in this state.
Apparently I am not a priority either because when I tried to register with the disabled services on campus and register I encountered numerous problems. First when I went to the office for those services the lady there was clueless and provided no info and had no idea why I would be considered handicapped or how I would go about registering with their services. Second, the web site would not accept my application for enrollment when I tried to list myself as a returning student nor would it let me enter my chosen degree I was working toward. So I ended up not considered by the state of Calif as a priority student because of all of the above. So her we go again LOL. At least now it recognizes me as a returnee student but I had to once again say I had no goal. Big mistake!
My PE teacher is going to find out WTF and the 411 to help me get on the right track or maybe I should say get those who are suppose to know off their arses maybe? Seems, the State will provide more funds etc – oh heck I dunno but if I am registered with the disabled peeps and am working on a degree it works out better for all of us.
The weather has been nothing but cold, windy, and rainy. Cold I can do but the wind and rain have put the car-bosh on bike riding and coffee shop sitting – seems others do not find the cold as nice as I do. I tried watching the news a bit ago but honesty I have no interest in Tiger Woods and what is going on with M. Jackson doctor. Enough already – the earthquake would be interesting … all fluff and nothing of interest for me anyways.
So hooked up the xbox upstairs so Catfish and I can shoot all the bad guys Gears of War 2 and maybe be Big Daddy later as Steven lent me the games for awhile. The big screen downstairs is so old that the text is hard to read etc and I have cleaned so many times I am thinking it does not have one more in it LOL hey it is maybe 8-9 years old, a projection screen – albeit a good one by back then standards – but the little 19 inch guy upstairs is way faster especially in game mode. Besides I do not have to stop playing when everyone gets home and wants to plop in front of the boob tube.
So rain rain go away until then xbox, reading, exercising, and generally killing time. Oh yeah got a foam sword and ambushed Dorothy on the way into class it was great. We do these sword fight mock type games once in while – a fun way to work on balance issues and I drew Dorothy as my partner last time- Good grief by the time she got her goggle and ear protection on the class was over. Oblivious to this fact she turned around and whacked me so hard it knocked off my goggles etc and knocked sideways and down I went LOL. Payback!!! Bra HAHAHHAHA She loved her sword and we all had some fun over it. My bunny ears are still attached because I was the faster rabbit ha ha
Sunday I went to my folks and afterward we went over to our friends and ate and ate and ate – their Grandkids are there so we had a fun time with the Easter stuff and dang they got solid chocolate bunnies! My mom – oh the Easter Bunny – when I was growing up only got us hollow ones. What’s with that?