Helmet Head -V- Traffic

Between rain drops I got out and rode some again today.
Tried another way of mounting the camera without great results it kept sliding so a lot of ground shots.
Set a goal.
Made the video the best I could – oh yeah the battery died so it abruptly stops.
Wanna know what my goal is? Watch the vid to the end. It is one of those goals that may or may not be doable. Just depends on how long this roll of good fortune I am on physically and how long it takes to get in shape. I suspect the heat of summer will stifle my enthusiasm – never know.
And that is the rub of it no? You never know! I am working on a theory that is part Schrödinger’s cat and part based on the behavior of particles behavior such as quarks. You really don’t know if the cat is dead or alive until you open the box (is it either unless you look?) and for each positive particle there is an opposite anti particle somewhere. Probably all dis-proven by now as my physics is years behind. Hey, Noetics is not really a science per-say (one could argue . …) but yah never know LOL
Suffer ye eye balls suffer or hope the jerky video does not make your head hurt.