I started blogging in 2003. I deleted my original blog and started this one Dec. 3oth, 2005. One of my first consistent readers and commentator’s was drumsnwhistles ( Karoli of odd time signatures and Bang The Drum). I have had the pleasure of knowing her as best as one can via email and blogs.
Karoli blogged a while back about a case where cyber bulling went way to far and resulted in the death of a 13-year old named Megan hanging herself in her closet. While Karoli is an honest blogger I have had my share of dishonest ones.
I even stopped blogging here for awhile after of few weeks of constant harassment over a post I made about a young man who was shot to death in my neighborhood. No big deal until someone knocked on my door -yep my front door of my home! We are never anonymous, although I admit I never really tried hard to be so.
Any of us, and many do I believe, have some sort of system set up to keep track of hits, where they come from, what was read, and all sort of other stats. Some of us do it so we can track what people found interesting. All though I am not sure why I care? I guess it is some deep seated ego type deal because this blog is not set up to sale or promote anything. It is just a place to vent and share.
Ok, hang in there I really do have a point here somewhere.
The first open use cyber bulletin board I remember using was way back when ( hear my bones creaking here) . . . a Prodigy one that was accessible via a V.22 1200 bps modem. It had a simple menu with four items and you had to wait a day for any reply to be posted. It posted on a board for recovering alcoholics. And, here is the point, there were “trolls” and “bullies” then and there are “trolls” and “bullies” now. They just have more available means and mediums to flourish in.
Recently I have joined a few multiple sclerosis forums. I don’t post – I lurk. Why? I do not choose to hang myself out there and be annoyed by the trolls and bullies. I have learned a lot reading through the posts. Some forums are better moderated than others and I have to apply some common sense in distinguishing the facts from the B.S. .
I swear, I can think someones blog post is directed at me when I have never even posted on their blog LOL! And sometimes the emails can be illuminating. When one blogger emails about another behind their back . … it can go on and on. I do not get it? I don’t use instant messaging anymore either after a fiasco involving a person cutting and pasting my name out of one IM and pasting in someone elses nasty stuff.
Lisa at Brass and Ivory posed this question in post:
This opens the door to the question – what are some dangers and drawbacks to online disease-specific communities and forums? what do you do when bullying, stalking, and harassment get out of control?
I am not in the “in” crowd of the MS cyber community but it seems bullies are a topic being discussed. Merelyme has a post on subject and a list of questions that provoke thought on the subject.
After stopping blogging here for a bit I can not say that the ramifications of blogging honestly is without drawbacks but after a bit of a reprive and thought I decided to start up again. As for the forums I am not sure. It really is silly that I could allow some name, a moniker, upset me.
Ok, back the beginning.
If my cyber friend Karoli were to out of the blue type some nasty comments about me I would be crushed. Because, it would come out of the blue, I would be unsuspecting, it would shock me, hurt me. When I open myself up and share my thoughts with someone I go in with the expectation that they are doing it for the same reasons with no ulterior motive. If someone that my only knowledge is from what I have read on their blog or they have posted on mine says something crappy I still get offended but my expectations are lower. Does it sting? Yes.
Here this is my blog, I am the moderator. Any forum is only as good as it moderators.
I stop my rambling on with an article Online Forum Etiquette: How to deal with a forum bully.
“The objective is to thoroughly analyze all situations, anticipate all problems prior to their occurrence, have answers for these problems, and move swiftly to solve these problems when called upon. However, when you are up to your ass in alligators, it is difficult to remember that your initial objective was to drain the swamp.”
Just remember you are never as anonymous as you hope online and words do hurt and there are alligators out there waiting to snap.