Bifurcation – Social and Self
Life has gotten confusing in many ways. The cognitive problems that Multiple sclerosis has brought on leave me baffled and confused – a lot. Sometimes it is the simple things such as staring at the television remote and not quite being able to figure out exactly what button it was I was going to push. For whatever reason if I just set it down and start over again all is good.
Then there are the more annoying communication problems. Social situations can become a maze-like trip where the start and end of conversations are not clear let alone the trip between the two points. Reading other blogs and social site messages often leaves me wondering if I have misunderstood someone’s message or if I am reading more into it then there is. The social dynamics of group interactions elude me now and leave me hesitant and insecure enough that I tend not to participate much.
Tasks that were once easy are harder to complete now. It becomes easier and easier to make concessions. It has become obvious that I need to simplify. The new computer is a basic model this really pisses me off. One, that the lack of money played into this but more importantly two, my inability to do what I used to be able to do – like rebuild my old one or hustle and come up with parts to build a new one – really, really, annoy me to no end. Where is the line between compromise and surrender? I am too stubborn to give up.
Put this all together and here I am at another bifurcate in the road of life.