Lazy Day

I did nothing today. Really nothing but breath in breath out – a good thing – watch television – read some blogs – and share the couch with the dogs. Yesterday tuckered me out. Another side effect I suppose – or so the doctor says. I have not taken my pictures for the day but the night is young! I did read a few pages of the manual – now I can use the bracket function. Woo hoo. I have many photos from yesterday that are great examples of what not to do! Never change to a real high ISO thinking it will help. Never assume your holding the camera still enough in low light conditions. The built in flash is useless in a museum. And it helps if you can find a particular button on your camera in the dark :).

Things I did right. I listened to Drumsnwhistles and paid attention to Thomas Hawks nice message here and attended the Photo Walk at the Sacramento Train Museum! It was fun. I met some really nice people from Sacramento and I am going to go on the Sacramento Photographers Flickr Groups photo walk on Feb. 10th. I brought a monopod instead of a tripod (thanks Chuck for loaning it too me) and I did play with the aperture and shutter settings to see what I would get at the different settings in the lower light. I also got a lot of tips from the other locals who like me lost track of the main group. I suspect that Drums will be attending the one in Santa Barbara!

Others posts on the Photo Walk:

Had a Ball at the Sacramento Photo Walk

Photowalking 5 The California State Railroad Museum

Photowalking at he california state railroad museum

Photo training

My Photofu is Weak

Fun at the railway museum

Photowalking With Thomas Hawk and Robert Scoble

Catfish is in on the bed acting like all that. He has a favorite stuffed toy that is bigger than him that he cuddles up to. Annie is downstairs guarding her domain while watching TV. I swear she really does watch it just in case one of those other dogs dares to walk across the screen.

Well, off to read more blogs and all that stuff . …

The Eyes Have It

Today my friend and I went out to the wildlife preserve ( again ). I played around with the aperature settings and shutter speeds while assisted by my buddy Chuck. He unfortunately dropped his D70 with lense so it is in the shop. He as lent me his tripod also as he will not need it until his camera is back 🙁 for Chuck 🙂 for me. On the serious side the help I have and hope to continue to get from friends internet and personal is so valuable to me. Karoli at odd times signatures and my friend Chuck (scroll down a bit for a pic of Chuck and Jamu in one of their sportscars) have been especially patient with me.

Catfish as taken to turning his head away or showing me the wrong end of the deal everytime I try to take his picture! Annie on the other hand apparently has decided that when a camera comes out if she plays her cards right she will become the center of attention. Not bad for a dog that came to us scared, quiet, withdrawn, and not caring if she got any attention good or bad. She has gone from a 3month old could not care less if your here or gone to a 69 pound lap dog!

The eyes have it tonight:

click for larger

Just so the cats do not feel left out Cattails:

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And Mr. Catfish Ddog:

click for larger

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