What you are looking at is one of the new tires – yes sir-ree.
The other less obvious point would be the air shocks without dah air.
I started out this Thursday afternoon with the idea of riding to my buddies house in Elk Grove. About a 1/2mile or so into this ride my front tire went flat. Ok now this is not a good thing you know.
I groaned and headed toward the gas station after finding my compressed air cartridge was spent – DOH. Then it hit my pea little brain that the tube was not patchable as it sort had a rubber disintegration thing thing going on. Then I noticed the knobs on the tire were pulling off.
Oh gee could this possibly be due to my ignoring the fact after hanging from a ceiling maybe, just maybe they would be rotten? One of those – boy was that stupid moments. So what the heck I stuffed packed some weeds up into the carcass and slowly made it home.
Then I futzed around – gosh this simple thing took forever – and got the wheels off and headed to the shop. I purchased a set of cross tires – way heavier than my Mythos xc that were on there – pride and coolness were overcome with common since -well ok how about price and use . … I admitt this really p’d me off – the cost is a factor thing and that I really don’t need narly dirt tires right now .
Got home, got the tires back on, and headed out again. Made it there only to discover that my computer was not registering the miles – augh another overlook what should have been checked when I put the wheel back on – the sensor got bumped to far away from the little magnet that makes it all good to go.
After my pal and I did our usual coffee banter, bet on who could guess the weight of our bikes the closest, who had the best portrait lens, oh anything really that we can egg each other on with I realized it would be dark before I could peddle myself home. So KRP came and drove me and bike home.
Then I got the most brilliant idea I might have come up with today. I decided to adjust the air in my shocks. I checked the pump (special one for the shocks) and made sure it build up pressure and instead of air going into the shock cartridge – all the freaking air came out – WTF! Dang if the little tiny o-ring on the adapter isn’t there. So now my front shocks are flat I guess would be a good description and I am hoping to all get out that it is the missing o-ring pump thing and not a bad cylinder thing.
This has all put me in a really foul mood. As if the shock is toast my riding dah bike is out with the air – Now I just rode about 7 miles, walked home because of the flat and I am getting testy ok.
Crap! and I drank way too much coffee so I am still wide awake at 4am with nothing to do but think – and stew, and then think about how my thinking is stinking – oh yeah I forgot to turn the video camera on so I could see if the mount worked better.