Dragonflys, Photography, Cranes, and Jerry

One of the things I enjoy about being involved with photography is all the folks I meet. In the early 2000’s I met my friend Chuck while at the dog park. Later on I became interested in photography and we found ourselves out shooting together. Chuck was the first person who explained how aperture controlled the depth of field. I still use his method to show others how it works.
Chucks next door neighbor, Jerry, is a photographer also – a real photographer – as in he makes money selling is photos and has for years. I really enjoy talking with Jerry and I do not get very many opportunities to so. so Friday I was very excited that I was able to go and talk with Jerry. Just about anything Nikon Jerry usually has the answer or will pretty darn fast.
I arrived exactly on time – I actually sat around the corner text messaging to kill time so I would not arrive early.
The purpose of my visit was two fold. One I really enjoy Jerry and looking at all his photos. Two, we both just recently purchased d7000’s and I wanted to pick his brain about settings and what not. And talk we did. I left with a loaner book and a super photo he took of two Sand-hill Cranes. I believe that Jerry has forgotten more about photography than I have even known
Last night I read and read the photography help book about the d7000. I jotted down a few notes and fell asleep. This afternoon I loaded up my gear and headed out to the refuge armed with some new ideas on specific camera settings. I still have not gotten it all worked out but I did get some better shots than my first attempts and the Sandhill Cranes did fly over head – way up but hey – I managed to grab a few shots of them. Not the best as most were shot at the max of the lens. But, way better than the before my chat with Jerry.
Sitting at a bench a noticed a bunch (what do you call a group of dragon flys? a swarm?) of Dragon Flys and zoomed in on them. I was really impressed at how fast the camera focused and how well it meters. My Nikkor 70-300mm has never taken this clear of a close in (ok I have never taken this good of photos with it).
Some Crane shots:
and these little birds were fluttering all around:
All photos can be viewed larger by clicking on them.
I might upload them to flickr or picasa later on?