Fun with Google

Most of you already know this but – google the word failure – read the top response – told ya – you already knew the answer.

Big Brother Bush Needs the USDA to Spread the Word

The Bush administration must be disparate to promote it’s failing policies in Iraq. Now they want folks at the Department of Agriculture (USDA) to peddle their glossy positive spin. Reported in the Washington Post .

Received email instructions requiring them to repeat administrations propaganda on Iraq in every speech they give on behalf of the USDA reeks “Big Brother” .

Now, how many little sheep will follow and repeat, “President Bush has a clear strategy for victory in Iraq”. ..

american frog in frying pan picture

H.R. 4681

The House of Representatives will vote on Tuesday, May 9 on HR4681, the  “Palestinian Anti-Terrorism Act of 2006?. This bill imposes economic and diplomatic sanctions against the Palestinian people.

This is such a controversal and emotional subject. Israel v Palestine and the United States position.This is a subject I do not write about. Too many religious and moral tangents appear like arms on an octopus.

Israel claims that it is the only democracy in the middle east…it is definitely the only middle east country with a full-fledged nuclear weapons program. Without getting into every single who what when and why of it all I ask that you read of few Palestinian blogs to get a sense of what the people of the Gaza Strip endure and consider:

Calling your Representative and urge a NO vote on HR4681.

Laila El-Haddad’s Blog Raising Yousurf: a diary of a mother under occupation a well written blog from the Gaza Strip.

The US Campaign to End the Israeli Occupation site has a list of organizations the oppose H.R. 4681