Disappearing posts and Gremlins

Oh the mysteries of databases, the internet, and blogging. How can a post show up after you publish it and 12 hours later just be gone? I know it was there. I know it was published. It had a page id number, the page showed up on the search engines. There were only 5 visits … [Read more…]

Is Your Internet Provider CALEA Compliant?

What is the Communications Assistance For Law Enforcement Act? From the CALEA website: In October 1994, Congress took action to protect public safety and national security by enacting CALEA. The law further defines the existing statutory obligation of telecommunications carriers to assist law enforcement in executing electronic surveillance pursuant to court order or other lawful … [Read more…]

Catfish Needs New Hiking Boots

It is getting closer to hiking season. The problem is, Annie chewed up my set of boots. Little sisters can be such a pain. So, I am putting in my request for a new set. Here is a set I think would serve me well: Last year I kept getting sap stuck up in the … [Read more…]

Who’s Helping the NSA?

Who’s helping the NSA Ever wonder if your IP is giving it up to the Bush administration. Here is a list from a CNET article on the subject. CNET News.com asked telecommunications and Internet companies about cooperation with the Bush administration’s domestic eavesdropping scheme. We asked them: “Have you turned over information or opened up … [Read more…]