Section 605 of the House version of the Patriot Act renewal legislation calls for the creation of a Federal Police Force. “A permanent police force, to be known as the ‘United States Secret Service Uniformed Division,’” empowered to “make arrests without warrant for any offense against the United States committed in their presence” … “or … [Read more…]
America – Imagery, The Constitution, and Metaphors
For years my friends have considered my comparison of television imagery and recent political events as metaphors from the novel 1984 and the rise of the Third Reich foolish. Remember Red Dawn, the beginning scene, outside the windows of a Colorado classroom, Soviet paratroopers glide silently in. As the students look on in fascination, the … [Read more…]
Did the Chinese Beat Christopher Columbus?
A map stating it is a 1763 copy of another map made in 1418 could add support to a theory that Chinese mariners discovered and mapped America decades before Columbus’ 1492 arrival. The map shows North and South America , Africa, and Australia, but not the British Isles. If the map is authentic it is … [Read more…]
The Difference One Word Can Make
“CNN quoted Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as saying that Iran has the right to build nuclear weapons,” the network said in its report of the ban. “In fact, he said that Iran has the right to nuclear energy.” I do not know about you, but, I think this once again proves that you can not believe everything … [Read more…]