108 is Hot!

Oh my gosh, with a official temp for the city at 108 today, and a backyard temp a tad higher, it was HOT!! Especially since it sort of jumped from low 80’s with cool nights to 108 and not so cool nights. Then as things sometimes go the central A/C went kaput, nothing, no cold … [Read more…]

Orange You Glad I Typed

had a dream the other night were the orange flowers were turning into the orange logo’s of MS. I woke up thinking how crappy that was. There I was hiking up a hill and every time my lens was focused on the poppies they turned into out of focus MS logos! How suck-o is that??

Somewhere in the Middle

If you told me a year ago that I would spend most of the day upstairs on the bed watching TV and reading because the heat makes me turn into a cross between Gumby and drunken sailor – I would have told you that you had bumped your head! Man, this MS $hit $ucks. Sometimes … [Read more…]