Fired Up
It is not every morning that I get to read some posts that get me fired up (ok bad play with words).
First off the sadness of watching homes and businesses go up in flames yesterday as the blaze burned through Auburn subdivisions.
Most of the National coverage is on the fire in the LA area. Yes, things are always bigger, and more note worthy to the news when they happen in LA. But, here in Northern CA. there are folks who are hurting too. Homes and businesses and pets are gone – in a flash. Either location – fires suck.
I so hope that this fire season does not bring more destruction and they get containment on the southern fires before more folks loose it all. With the hot weather and dense, dry vegetation in the State this is not going to be the end of it I fear. Wildfires are a part of the Californian summer, but so to have them breaking out so close to Wildfires are a feature of the Californian summer, but not so may so close to large population areas. Too many people are moving into the wildlife areas where it really is not safe to do so. Attempting to eliminate fire from native lands that have natural burn cycles is not a winning situation. Chaparral naturally burns to release seeds and regenerate.
Urban encroachment . … not blaming the victims here – just stating reality of it
Two firefighters have already died when their vehicle rolled off a hillside near Mount Gleason in the Angeles National Forest yesterday.
The next item that caught my attention was Thomas Hawks post on the Los Angeles Times blatant rip off of peoples photos that are marked copyrighted all-rights reserved or using the Creative Commons non-commercial license. So the LA times is ripping photographers off. Come on!
I did get a good chuckle when looking through the photos on the LA Times site and noticed Thomas tagged his screen-shot, licensed it all right reserved and it showed up on the LA Times site LOL. It kind of shows me that those stealing by using copyrighted images are idiots –