First Fishing Trip
I guess it is all the crazy things going on but I have been going through all the old slides that my father has taken through the years. Then I noticed many folks seem to be reminiscing also so I figured I join in.
Here I be on my first real fishing trip. We were at a cabin at Echo Lake and the pole you see there sort of ended up with the tip in the lake. I remember my dad getting it back out somehow and all was well. It was really a special deal because my dad rented a row boat one day so we could fish out in the middle of the lake instead of from the shore.
My mom cooked the trout up for us and my brother and I felt ever so special having caught the dinner. And, yes we had to clean them ourselves. Not particularly a nifty thing but we were allowed to use a knife under my dads supervision – so it was worth it.
Those are my dads waders (and hat) I have on, you figure he is 6’4″ and I am only 5’5″ now. My brother and I loved to get into my dads shoes and stomp about it somehow made us feel larger and important LOL.
Lost in the years of photo weeding out are all my pictures of chipmunks that I spent hours luring in so I could take a picture of them with my little brownie camera. I remember my mom not particularly thinking that attracting rodents was a good thing and my little brother kept scaring them away to make me mad.
On this trip we also hiked up to the top of Echo Summit. We had a picnic up there and complained all the way back down because we were two tired kids.