
I was looking around my little room that I loosely will call an office and noticed the clutter is getting out of hand. The computer work area is overload to the max! My pile of discs that I am burning the photos onto is growing and I still have not hung any of my pictures and stuff. Clutter is not a good thing especially since the multiple sclerosis monster decided I was it’s buddy. Some friend eh?
Picking up the clutter is a pain in the arse anymore. I know if I figure out where to put everything away nice and neat that in following through and actually doing the chore I will run out of gas and end up snoozing away. If I leave it out it sends my mind into a crazy over load. I so am not going to show you the mess my closet in here has become! Do I pick it all up and then snooze or do I sit here feeling the sensory overload and self inflicted guilt for being lazy?
Somehow not having everything all nice and lined up like little ducks behind momma becomes an in my face sort of thing pointing out to me how much control I do not have. Between my body not doing what I ask it to do and the neighborhood noise I get so frustrated sometimes.
There really is never a time of silence around here. Well, if I put on my headset that looks like it belongs on a large equipment operator or maybe on the flight line LOL it gets muffled. Unfortunately so do the dogs AKA the early alert system.
Other updates umm let me think . . . . . . . . . . oh yeah. On the computer front my little gateway is finally getting straightened out – no more evil blue screen of death occurrences lately. The tower computer my friend sold me is working away. The new graphic card and power supply improved performance. And, the old XP machine is still plugging away. So now instead of having NO computer I have backup LOL. I means seriously, when the one and only computer took a dump (the XP machine) and I was without you would think the world was ending or Henny Penny was right and the sky fell. Well I might not have the fastest computer on the block but at least I got backup.
I have been building computers in my head to pass the time. If I had a few bucks I could build a super duper one for a whole lot less that if I went and purchased it. Wishful thinking ha ha.
I have not taken any photos for awhile mostly because of the weather and not feeling it so to say.
The neighborhood is a little quieter now that the rain and wind are here. This past weekend was one of the first warm spring like ones we have had and the bad element type folks seem to get more rambunctious when the warmer weather arrives. Many of us in here are dreading the arrival of summer if this past weekend is an indicator of what is to come.
More later.