Shiny New
After much crying the blues over the death of my beloved tower I scrambled and finagled my way into getting a computer. Under $500 bucks, nothing special but it works.
I need to purchase a eSATA cable so I can see what lucks on the backup drive. I know I did not backup my email accounts so I spent a bit of time today re setting up outlook. I have the settings memorized now. Another reason I should have moved all correspondence to one account or maybe two. 10 email addy’s from the ISP, and way to many from the company that hosts my websites, and then a few gmail ones to. Yikes.
I am simplifying now. One for family, one for blogs, one for software and other companies, and one for my friends. And the rest can go to where ever old email addresses go.
Next there is the pain of reloading software that I have purchased. It should not be so dang hard to reinstall what you purchased. And Windows Vista sucks. I do not need lots of pretty pictures I need to find the device manager. It is like trying to interface with a comic book. What ever happened to c:/ well not that bad but come on. I am not wanting to go back to FORTRAN and punching cards but . …
At least this gateway has Intel Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q8200 @ 2.33GHz, 2336 Mhz, 4 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s) and 4GB DDR3 memory. Nothing much else worth mentioning but oh yeah it WORKS. The larger letters on the keyboard are kind of spiffy. No more wireless keyboard and mouse to have the batteries take a dump in the middle of something.
The bottom line is I truly am happy that I was able to get any computer!