Auriculate it is a word
No school this week has me wondering what I am going to do to occupy my short attentions span theater mind this summer when there is no PE class.
Freak I am bored!! The weather has been cold, windy, and rainy. So no bike rides this week so far. I have googled to google – yes anything and everything.
Did our governor really say “I look down on people who are waiting, who are helpless. I like people who think there is more to life than eating or going to the toilet.” – umm a quote attributed to him in Wendy Leigh’s Arnold: the unauthorised biography so who the heck knows?
Ears, bunny ears, having auricles, ears, or earlike parts, AURICULATE wow it really is a word!
I loaded different MP3’s onto my Rio player and then I listened to them. Read a couple Annie Perry books and started Karin Slaugher’s Beyond Reach – and now I am back to google LOL
Contemplated the pros and cons of posting something when I really gosh almighty have nothing I feel like putting into words. But decided to do it anyway.
How about guess my favorite color? or how did I break my front tooth?
Playing what if in my mind a lot the past few days. What if I can not get up and down the stairs, drive, the list is long of the what if’s. Oh yeah I got all my blood tests done – I saved up LOL. Wait until they are all due and go in then one stick results in 7 viles of blood and all sorts of test results to look for. So Tuesday I got my butt into the seat of my truck and went in – got the results off the website Wednesday morning O happy joy joy my doc had ordered a bunch of test to check for kidney failure – and woo hoo my kidney function stuff came back normal, gosh all the test were “normal”.
I even broke down and made my appointment with the PCP and I think my neuro automatic made for appointment is coming up in June? She used have me come in every six months and changed it to once a year. It might be because when my six months was up she was out on maternity leave I am not really sure. I so did not make the appointment with Dr Zap – the guy who electrocutes and pokes and hammers on me – I see no point in it really.
I have enjoyed not seeing any doctor since December I think it was, any way, exposure to anything medical doc reflated has a negative effect on my mood and always gets me thinking more about having MS then I normally do.
Ok that is my post about nothing much cause nothing much is going on.